aroon achalum



aroon achalum




8 mins

There were three 3 boys who are studying in 12th grade in the same school. They were namely Viki, Suku, and Raj.

These 3 were close friends from 11th std, They talk about each other with their parents but Raj's parents did not talk to him daily because he is in the hostel and his parents in UAE. They were studying for board exams. They have finished their board exam and got result and Viki got the first mark in school with 90%, Suku with 85%and Raj with 80%.

So the school prepared for the meeting to honor students who have got more than 75%in 12th grade. So they send an email that every student and parents should participate in the meeting. On that day all the students come before their parents will come so Viki came in scouty. Vicki's father (Santhosh) and his mother (Kavitha) went and sit in the first row and then other parents were coming. Raj's mother(Sri) came but his father didn't come due to business. She sat next to Santhosh but they did not see each other for some time.

Suku's father (Muthu) who is a famous playback singer and mother (Durga) they came and sat in the last row since he came late. So the program has started and they were honor from low marks to a toper. That time Sri and Santhosh saw each other and shocked. She asked him what he achieved in life and your photos did not come on TV or in the newspapers? You told me that you will achieve something but now you are sitting like this, I know someone helps you came here. But Santhosh did not reply any he just smiles. That time the school principal honor Viki and Viki called his parents to stages. So Santhosh went to stage himself. Sri got surprised to see and she has no word to say. When Santhosh got mic everyone clapped.

He thanks them and start to ask them why they clap and they reply that Viki achieved and our children did not do it. Then Santhosh says we all achieve something in daily life, I also achieved lots of things in life like given birth to Viki. All can't understand it and asked what you are saying Santhosh explain his past life. He were studying college like normal students. when his mama's daughter Kavitha whose faced skin came out due to some accidents in her childhood and she looks ugly. But she likes Santhosh and told him but he told her that he talk with her just friendly and he met his junior girl(Sri) but he did not tell her name they were good friends but after he like her, so he wants to propose her on farewell.

But before the farewell day, he and his friends went trekking on a mountain when he slipped and fell between 2 mountains. Thank God he saved me but my legs were broken and I can't walk even one step. Doctors said that I can walk but it takes many years. When Sri came to look me I told that I like her but she refused to accept me after the accident, she told that how she can live with me without have fun like others. It made me so angry and I told her that I can achieve something at that time you will know who I am. But after I can't achieve anything for 3 years I just work in my father's business from home. My parents force me to an arranged marriage with Kavitha.

After marriage, I told my wife that I feel guilty because before I told you that I like one girl then due to situations we get married. If you did not like me, tell me I ll give divorce. She told even when you told that you did not like me I didn't change my mind because one side lover is a true one. After that, my mother and my wife encouraged me that I can walk like before by doing the treatment. So I believe it and become normal after 5 years. Then we had a happy life with my son. Then everyone claps for him.

Then he asked every what is an achievement and full forms of achievement and what requires for it and who is an achiever? One of the parents stand up and told achiever are like Abdul Kalam, Dhoni, etc. But Santhosh smile and said firstly understand the full forms of achievement, A-attitude c-concentration h-hard work I-interest e-experience v-value e-encourage m-mentor e-enjoy n-normal people t-try.

So everyone doing this daily life like we are a first-time walk (goal) in our childhood we have an attitude(do it) and concentration (forced in walking) we worked hard trying and we have interest on it. When our parents see it and encourage us by telling good word there is value and we will enjoy listening nice words and we try lots of times to become experienced by mentor by ourselves how to walk in a home, outside road, with shoes, and without shoes but we are normal people only.

It is the first achievement we do in life. Now please understand all people achieve their goals by this only. Before Abdul kalam, no one like him but he try to have a better life. Achieve is not that who does what no one has done before in this world. Real achievement is what you do for better of your life, so achieve first basic things. I did not tell that no one can become like Abdul kalam but even more than him. But if all (people) becomes achiever then who is normal people? No one replied. When my son got 75%in 10th-grade and we gave a new phone and now we gave him a new scooter ad we enjoy for he reach his goals but he is not a district first or State first.

Then one teacher asked Santhosh you gave the phone when he got only 75% and it is bad habits, He only did his work only. So he will expect something for all his work? Santhosh reply why it is not bad habits. It encourages him to get good marks. Why we all also do everything with some except. Eg: We are doing our work for money, we are raising our children except that they ll take care us in our old ages and even God expects us to do good things so only he ll also help us.

But have to limit what they asked do not give them you know what they needed. And it is one of good habit because when they achieve something and we give them new things which will develop responsibly in them. Like this, before our grandparents develop responsibility in us when we are small on our birthday their use to give money to save and they ll check we are using it for correctly. One of the parents stands up and told I am expecting nothing from my children.

Santhosh replied it is your wrong you should say to your children to look after in your old age It is their responsibility. Then one teacher called Viki mother to the stage so Kavitha went up. They asked are you the backbone of Santhosh and Viki? Kavitha replied we are not backbone each other we are equal and we stand beside each other only. She told that like them I also achieved, when I was small I look like very cute girl but one day when I rided bicycle I met with accident due to break failed I got like this after my parents encouraged me. 

After listening to this Muthu start to cry and come to near stage and told that he is responsible for this. Nobody understands what he is saying. He told his past life ago 25 years we were r classmates in school in 7th std that time when my father got transferred to another city. So I plan to copy in the last exams but you told to ma'am so she caught me and they scold me very badly.

So I got angry on u & my friends also told nonsense things so I cut your cycle break and I went home before you leave since we are leaving to New city and I thought you will get little bit hurt but after some years our friends told me that it changed your entire life. I don't think this would happen to you. I felt very guilty and bad. I try to find you to apologize and if I can help you in any way but I can't. So I told this to my wife and my son not to hurt like this.

After listening to his words Viki got very angry and went to beat Muthu. Raj comes to stop Viki but he can't stop it. But Santhosh stops Viki and ask him what are you doing. Viki replied he only reason for Amma's face. Santhosh says Muthu did mistake and told that Muthu achieved his goals. Viki asked what? Santhosh explains that Muthu wants to say sorry even he only knows what happens and he did not see his status felt ashamed in front of all he accepted his mistake.

So Muthu says I want to help her by changing her face to normal but Santhosh did not like it he told I like her now only. Then Sri also came up to the stage and apologized and asked them why our sons will be best friends. Santhosh said we all can become family friends. So all are very happy. 

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