7 mins

Story-5 Laws

The new youth CM (Tarun) of Tamil Nadu announced a public meeting on the next day of he becoming the CM. So all the press, people were attending the meeting and it was a live telecast on all channels on TV. Tarun began his speech, he told that he'll not be a normal CM like other CMS, he is going to be like Hitler for every person in Tamil Nadu. Everyone was confused as to what he was saying. But he continued his speech, first understand what I am saying. You all know somewhat about me. But I am going to tell you everything. I am just 27 years old. I belong to a middle class family. I studied well during my school days. But I used to not see the news on TV or read any newspaper and my parents scolded me and told me that I should know what is happening in this world. So after that, I started reading the newspaper every day for 30 mins and I was shocked to read every news every single day. I read 25% good news and 75% bad news. Then I watched everything that was going on in my surroundings and noticed that every bad thing was going on. It disturbed me a lot and so I decided to discuss this with my parents. I asked them why this all is happening in this world. My parents told me that we can't do anything about it because we are normal people, so please ignore it and do your job. But I couldn't become normal, I argued with my parents that if everyone thinks like this then bad things will affect everyone directly or indirectly one day. Then my parents told me that if I want to change this, I should have power and then you can know all the details. So after that, I studied well and thought about it every day. Then I joined B.L. In college and I studied well and I became college's first and I got a gold medal, then I got a seat in USA in the world's best college for laws for 2 years. So I studied well and there I met my new close friends and Deepika k, one of my college mates, her parents were Indian but now they were settled there, so they became USA citizens. I learned all countries' basic laws. I and Deepika fell in love with each other.

One day I told my friends and Deepika k about my plans to return to TamilNadu and stand in CM elections and begin new laws. They all supported my dreams. After the last exam I met Deepika's parents in their home, we told them that we loved each other and they accepted it but they put one condition that I should live in USA for USA citizenship. But I didn't accept it and Deepika tried to convince me but I told her that I can't give up my dream and my parents for her. She tried her best to convince her parents but they didn't allow us to be together. After that, I returned to Tamil Nadu with few friends who wanted to help me in my dream. And some of my old friends here also joined us and we started a new party last year. We all talked with all college students about our party and some of our plans with them, there was no stable government, so they all believed us and voted for us. Then I became CM of Tamil Nadu. Now I am going to tell the most important 10 laws. 

One person from the public asked, does the state government have the power to change country law? If it is possible, there is a lot of process? 

The CM replied, yes, you are correct brother, the state government has some power to moderate and introduce new law for the state benefit and lifestyle according to world laws, so we were working out since last 6 months and yesterday after I took up the charge as minister, we talked with Governor and PM with reference to world laws and in the morning we got approval for some laws that we can change and introduce. First, please understand the full form of LAWS, L- legal A-actions on W-wrong S-surrounding. So, now we are going to pass 10 basic laws to reduce basic issues in the state. I know some of it you all will not accept and I don't care about it.

1) If a person has theft for his livelihood, he will be jail for 10 years and after that he will be given a government job but if he again does the same, then he will be jail until the rest of his life. 

2) If a person rapes any girl, the person will not be killed, instead police will shoot that part in public outside the court, so the person will live with it. 

3) If a person murders anyone, he should be killed immediately.

4) If any parent complaints about their children who is not taking care of them after getting all property in their old age, the government can cancel the degree irrespective of any college and their job will be terminated or if its a business, the government can seal the business immediately.

5) All alcohol shop and bars should be closed in Tamil Nadu 

6) If anyone who wears torn dress in public as fashion, the near tribe office (located in all public places) will give tribe's dress to wear and take photos and give to them. And the company which produces that dress will be sealed if it is in Tamil Nadu or if it is imported and traded in Tamil Nadu, the government can cancel trade licenses. We also like to see modern dresses which are in accordance with our culture. 

7) If any lover is very close in public places, who is not married, anyone can tell police or if police see it, they can take action, police should call their parents. If you want to love, have it in private place otherwise it will affect other good people. 

8) If anyone has black money, then all their assets will be taken by income tax department. All transactions above Rs. 500 will be done though bank only.

9) There will be no divorce law in this state anymore. If anyone in the wrong relationship, they can be killed by their partner there will be no punishment. 

10) The person who is going to a foreign country for citizenship, they should pay Rs. 1 billion, it is known as foreign income tax in that country in Indian embassy, after that you can become citizenship in that country. 

After all laws, CM told public to ask if they have any questions. 

One boy asked: Why would we want to pay 1 billion to become citizens of a foreign country? How will you find who is paying? 

CM replied: You are studying here at minimum cost, then you are going there for work & for foreign citizenship so their country will be developed easily, then what happens to our country. We have Indian employees in every foreign embassy who have records when you are getting visa, did you pay our 1 billion, after that they will process for your citizenship and that amount will be transferred to India's world Bank account so that we can use that money for our development. 

One girl asked, why we should not wear very fashionable dress? What happens?

CM replied: I understand your feelings, then I asked one question, why can't you wear the tribe's dress, it also looks same as new modern dresses with tears? I think If we are not saying that it is tribe's dress & selling it as a new fashion dress, then everyone will buy from shop and wear it. We are not banning all modern dresses. I also like modern dresses but we want to to see which are the dresses that we can wear according to our culture. You should have sense of how others want to see you. This is for who wears like this dress both men (tear pants) and women (all dress with tears) in public.

One press: If the public doesn't follow your laws, then what you will do?

CM: We introduced these laws to reduce main issues in the state so we have hope that they will help us because it is normal person's thoughts that they want to take actions like this but they don't have power to take action. So now we are giving a chance to them to take action and we are also working on other laws which we will disclose in upcoming years for benefit of the state. If they do not support us. These laws will function for the next 5 years. I hope it will end with good results. 

CM thanked everyone who listened to his speech, I hope our state will provided good examples to other states and other countries. 


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