Shubhangi Kotwal

Action Thriller


Shubhangi Kotwal

Action Thriller

Baby Stealing

Baby Stealing

6 mins

  It was a very pleasant morning and Tom, who is a investigator by profession had to catch a flight for Delhi. He gets ready with all his necessary equipments like his dark specs, earphones, Mobile and charger, binoculars, pen and pad, that he always carries with him, and other things which are necessary for travel and for stay . Siya, his wife is now expert in helping him because Tom sometimes have to travel with a very short notice so both of them were now used to this. 

Tom had chosen this career because he always had interest in spying and in solving mysteries and finding out the truth . From his childhood he used to read about detectives and their stories . So he almost had decided to do that instead of doing typical 9 to 5 job in office which he used to think that there is no thrill in such job. 

Tom's father had a background of Army job and he encouraged his son to take this job because he was passionate about it . Tom joined one private detective' s office after his bachelor's degree in engineering . Later on after few years he started his own agency . 

Siya, who too was young and she wanted to do job after her she saw one job vacancy ad in newspapers which was in detective's firm . She thought of applying there and surprisingly she got a call from office for interview . She thought this detective must be a middle age and bald man who always wear cap, or smoke cigar or something like that .

Siya went for interview and was surprised to see Tom, a young, stylish and handsome detective , whose real name was Gaurav Sen . Tom was Just the name for his profession . Siya got the job of assistant, as Tom wanted a smart intelligent girl who can assist him well. Tom and Siya became good friends, fell in love with each other and got married . Now siya was indirectly supporting him from home because she had to look after house and her parents in - law too .

So yes...Tom had to travel to Delhi . Tom and Siya leave for airport by car . Siya tell Tom to take care and inform her when he reaches there . She also tell him she is going to miss him . Tom go inside and Siya drive the car and come back home . 

Tom was going to Delhi for meeting with army officials, as they wanted to hire the services of Tom . He reaches there in time, sit with officials, they discuss the task that they wanted to give Tom . All have lunch together . Then Tom was asked to wait, as the contract papers were getting ready, which he had to sign .In between he call Siya so she tell him that there was a call from Shreyas nursing home just now on alternate number that was operated by her . 

Siya inform him about what the case is and the urgency of it . She WhatsApp him the other details . So he says fine i will finish my work here and directly go to the airport . Also Tom give a call to Dr at nursing Home and assure that he will immediately start his work .

Tom make a call to airport  authorities saying that he is a private investigator, as such the authorities knew him so they assure him that they will give full cooperation . Tom tell them to thoroughly check each and every couple with infant baby. Because as per the doctor that baby is just born one week ago and they were going to discharge the mother today but in early morning they found that the baby is missing from his cradle . 

Tom had very efficient team in his agency and two of his assistants go to hospital first to get the CCTV camera footage there . Also they tried to find out at railway station, ST stand and from airport . And by the afternoon they got the information from airport that one couple with infant baby has travelled to New Delhi . They said they have urgency as they have to consult a doctor in Delhi.

From CCTV footage clip at airport they found that this matches with the doubtful couple they found from hospital CCTV . So Siya was constantly in contact with these two junior investigators and was co- ordinating with them as this was a sensitive case.

Tom tell the army officials that he has urgent case to solve and will have to go to airport . So they finish all contract signing and all very fast and tell Tom not to worry as army vehicle will drop him at the airport . 

Tom reach airport and show his card to airport security and as such people there knew him personally. Tom go inside the confidential area and ask for CCTV room . Security guard take him to new CCTV room . Tom immediately got all footage . Even after reaching Delhi that couple was found sitting at lounge. From their actions it was very clear that they were trying very hard to handle that infant baby . Though they were carrying everything that is required for a baby . So it was well planned and well prepared stealing .

Tom could see them in the queue which was for international flight, time was 3:30pm as per that footage . That man seen mostly talking on phone and that female looked as though she was getting irritated because of crying of that baby . 

Tom looked at time now, it was almost 3:55 . He go to the office, ask for timings of international flights and he find that one flight to Dubai is ready for take off . Just ten minutes left . He immediately go to area where the flight was . One security officer accompany him . Also the announcement is made for pilot not to take off the plane and crew members should not allow any passenger to leave their seat .

Tom and security officer go inside the flight, catch hold of that couple . They says, ' we have proper tickets and everything and this is our baby. Why you are doubting on us . But clever investigator always find some clue, some proof and it is said that the thief or a person who steal something always leave some sign, things in hurry that they should not .' 

Tom with his clever investigator's vision find that the blanket with which the baby is swaddled has a logo of Shreyas nursing Home . Tom tell security officer that this couple can't travel by this flight, they are suspicious, or in fact i am 100% sure they have stolen this baby . let's not waste time of other passengers by delaying the flight . So security officer immediately make a call and get two security personnel amongst that one was lady. Security catch hold of these culprits, take the custody of baby . 

Tom apologies the pilot, crew members and other passengers for delay and he thank God that finally he got success with the help of all who co- operated with him.

Tom call Doctor in nursing home and give good news. He send photographs of baby for confirmation.Tom also inform Siya about this and to his assistants and appreciate their work in his absence. 

Finally here that couple agree that yes they have stolen this baby. Airport authorities and officers also thank Tom for his timely information and action. Tom had to leave by evening flight so he hand over the case and all information, CCTV footage, phone no. of nursing Home and all to security for further action .

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