Pragati Shinde

Tragedy Classics Inspirational


Pragati Shinde

Tragedy Classics Inspirational

Belief- Changes from within

Belief- Changes from within

8 mins


   This story says all about belief, how belief can change one’s life. It has an inspirational moral , through life story of a girl.


   It is a short story, based on a life of a girl named Kimaya. Who loses her track when she was in her teen age. Many people life dominated her when she actually needed someone’s support. At this moment a person enters in her life. To know about this person, whether he/she is evil or devil, read the story further. Her experience gives a very good lesson to all of us. Here belief plays an important role. This story will also be loved by all the parents as; they too have an important role here.  


Belief – Changes From Within

   What do you think a life of an ordinary teenager is like? In this story you are going read a life of teenager named Kimaya, ordinary by her lifestyle but, extraordinary in the way she thinks, in the way she experiences her and also incidents in other’s lives and learns from them after analyzing them deeply, in her own way. Kimaya is the only child to her parents and so the precious one. She was a very self-confident and strong girl from her childhood. Her hobbies are all that includes arts like dancing, singing, poetry, RAPS, drawings whether it be sketches, paintings, abstract word arts she loved to do everything. But it doesn’t mean she was low in academics. She balanced both her talent and her studies equally. No doubt, that from her childhood, she participated in each and every co-curriculum activities and in this her parents were her biggest support. As she grew up simultaneously her talent too grew up and somewhere this started affecting on her studies which had a bad impact on her score in academics. This was not accepted by her parents. The only solution her parents thought on this problem was to cut off their support to her from co-curriculum activities. So that, she could concentrate on her studies. As she was not allowed to follow her talent, she felt very sad, frustrated, irritated, depressed, as if she is quarantined in a cage of academics, her anger wasn’t in her control now. These incidents took place when she was to enter in the age of teen. And it’s an age when many biological and emotional changes take place in human beings due to hormonal changes. Come on, we all know that right? Kimaya was known to reason and intentions of her parents behind not supporting her hobbies which had become her passion till then. But, she was not willing to accept this. What she thought is academics is not everything and career can also be made in the  So, she started dreaming of turning her passion into goal. Well, this was a dream still, not a goal. She didn’t realize what she is thinking and what she wanted to do. After all, what level of understanding can we expect from a girl of this age? Very less, right? As a result, she didn’t listen to her parents, started hiding things from them, started lying to them and fought with them on little issues. This taken off the belief and trust of her parents on her. Now, the matter wasn’t about her score, it had reached till her failure. She had a big failure in her mathematics examination which affected her confidence and her strength. Her parents now thought they need to seriously worry now. They too had many tensions, taking those all in their minds, they started bombarding on her. She started feeling very sorry and inactive now. At this moment her mother persuaded her that, she can do it. With this enthusiasm, Kimaya decided to work hard from now for her next examinations. And she seriously took many efforts in academics, worked hard to gain belief and trust of her parents back.

   Her next examination arrived soon and she tried her best this time, she thought. But after a par struggle too, success didn’t reached to her. At this instance, when she was trying to gain the trust and belief of her parents, she lost her own belief on herself. She was totally broken now and was not in the situation to overcome her problems. She was not able to face her parents, her friends, no on. She didn’t talk much to anyone now. It started affecting her personality more and more. The active and confident now became very introvert, unconfident and self-doubting. All the teachers in her school started doubting her capabilities and scolded her at every point. This changed Kimaya’s perspective towards all the teachers. That day onwards, she thought that teachers are just to scold and don’t support or understand their students.             

   At this point an angel like person entered in her life. Her Sanskrit teacher. It was the turning point of her life and her teacher was the life changing person and she didn’t even realize it. Once in her Sanskrit lecture Kimaya was wandering in her own world, bit nervous. And her teacher recognized it. She didn’t scold her that time, instead called her to meet personally whenever she feels free, to talk to her. Before she would come to meet her, Kimaya’s biography was ready with her teacher and which withdrew from Kimaya’s closed ones without even letting Kimaya know about it. Kimaya went to her with very frightened feelings. Her teacher welcomed her and asked about her well-beings. After few discussions teacher asked her “What were you wandering in our last Sanskrit lecture? Anything serious?” Kimaya got bit scared and replied smiling in a nervous way “Sorry, nothing much.” Teacher was known to the issue but still raised her next question, “You did this only in my class or you are the same in all your lectures?” Kimaya got tensed and replied rudely this time “Why are you asking me these silly questions? I can handle myself”. After getting a rude back answer too, she smiled telling her next lecture is soon going to start so, she may go. In the course of this conversation her teacher got to know that she is still strong enough as, she kept her sad and demotivating thoughts hidden in her mind and kept herself strong outside.

After few days, a googly sentence was heard by Kimaya when her mathematics teacher taunted her because, she hadn’t completed her homework “Your Sanskrit teacher says that you can do well but, look at you, I don’t think this will be possible by you”. So, the nature of her Sanskrit teacher was very unpredictable as Kimaya thought initially and then onwards she was very eager to know about her. Eager to know, that why this new person in her life has still kept believing in her when everyone and even she herself has lost the belief on her, that too, after giving her such a rude back answer when she was trying to help her out. In actual her teacher’s nature was very calm, sweet, strong, smart, disciplined, fun loving, amiable, suspicious, conscientious, extraversion, straight forward, motivating, inspiring, strict if needed, selfish for her students, altruistic to share knowledge, and many more good qualities. Kimaya caught it wrong differently because, she was not willing to believe that there can exist a person with so much of good and contrasting characteristics, that to, all in one, especially in a teacher. Her teacher was not like other ones, she was unique in her own way. She never taught for the sake of marks or to just complete her portion. Along with the content of text she taught her students the value from each and every thought and this gave her self-satisfaction. She understood the capabilities and talent of every person and accordingly behaved with them. Similarly, she understood Kimaya too. She started her conversations with Kimaya to understand her more intensively. Gradually, Kimaya too started sharing everything with her teacher very frankly. Kimaya now respected her teacher very much. This time too she didn’t realize that her teacher had became her best friend now. Her teacher taught her solution to her problems through small life lessons because she wanted Kimaya to understand them by herself. And Kimaya too started relating these lessons with her own life and behaved accordingly. Many teachers taunted her teacher, stop explaining Kimaya; it’s of no use and always kept on dominating Kimaya. At these times, her teacher answered them in a general way “I believe in her and you will see results of this at the end of the year.” 

   Kimaya started living happy now- a- days, with this she gradually gained her confidence and the belief in herself. Her score started increasing. And she had became the same, old smart Kimaya now. Her friends and teachers, who would always taunt her, now praised her. At the end of the year, Kimaya was in the top list of her class. She now started sharing good thoughts to her friends in their bad situations. The ‘Problematic Kimaya’ had became ‘Problem Solver Kimaya now. Her parents now not only started trusting her again, but they were also now proud of her. Isn’t it amazing? How just belief can change one’s life? Right? Her teacher always said “Be conscious and Be Positive” and also explained the reason- Why? And the reason is, conscious and subconscious are merely two spheres of activity within one mind. Conscious mind is the reasoning mind on the other hand vital life processes are carried out by subconscious mind through process independent of conscious control. And the subconscious mind thus accepts what is impressed upon it or what is consciously believed and thought. And so we should think positively. Because as, negative, destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in the subconscious mind, similarly, positive thoughts continue to work positively in the subconscious mind. And they sooner or later, emerge and take shape as an outer personality.

   Later, she decided to pen down her thoughts so, they reach the audience. She developed her own way of writing. Her write-ups were liked by many people and the response to them was great. She became a very big writer now and her name was called out for many big events.  

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