🎶 Anonymous Little Creature 🎶

Inspirational romance


🎶 Anonymous Little Creature 🎶

Inspirational romance

Burning Love in the Mist 3

Burning Love in the Mist 3

1 min

Raju was a business man. Suddenly, he lost his business. He was left with lots of debts. Inorder to pay back the debts, he decided to leave India. Rani supported him to leave India. Finally the day before he want to depart, he informed his daughter about his departure. It made the eyes of Sneha to load with tears.

Finally they reached the airport. The time of his departure arrived. Tears burned Sneha's eyes and her lower lip trembled. With the heavy heart, she turned to wave the final good bye to the father. Her eyes were filling with tears and she didn't want him to see.

Will Rani be kind to her daughter?

Will Sneha be happy forever?


        To Be Continued .......

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