

4 mins

The old man sat on the porch swing gazing out into the sunset. He could hear the neighbour's children but he was left all alone in this vast empty house. His master, Mr. Pradeep, had gone out for some work. The old man, called dada, had completed all his work; he had washed the utensils and the clothes, he had cleaned the house with a broom and mopped the floor, he had wiped the fan blades and he had kept all the things back in their place. To remove his boredom, he took the house keys and went for a stroll in the garden. It was a lovely day, he could feel the breeze pushing away his bad thoughts, he could hear the birds chirping away his exhaustion; he could feel nature’s beauty.

Opposite to the garden, he saw a small temple. It had two or three photos of gods and goddesses, which had been kept inside a small but durable shelter. Dada decided to take the blessings of god and then leave for home. As he began crossing the road, he felt a strong push and the next moment he found himself lying on the road, with blood oozing out of his waist and a truck standing in front of him. The very next moment he could not see, hear or do anything.

Dada opened his eyes slowly. He found Pradeep, holding his head in his hands with his eyes closed, in front of him. Dada looked around. Where were they? It looked like a hospital. Ah yes! He had met with an accident. He slowly called out “Pradeep!”. A surprised Pradeep looked up. “Dada! Dada!” Pradeep cried and called the doctor. The doctor, a man of good build and height came inside the room and checked Dada. With an expression, mixed with a little happiness and a little sorrow, the doctor took Pradeep out of the room with him. After sometime, Pradeep entered the room. He sat down near Dada. Pradeep looked at Dada and said, “Dada, what have you done to yourself!”

Pradeep started weeping. “Dada, you began working in my house 20 years ago. I never thought that I would ever care much about you. But today, after all this has happened, I feel very bad. I cannot express my sorrow in the form of words. And upon all of this, the doctor said that you would not be able to walk. You will be on a wheelchair. With medication and a little exercise, you might improve but this may or may not be possible because of your age…” Pradeep stopped because he found Dada crying. Pradeep thought what a fool he had been. He just said whatever came to his mind and had not worried about how Dada would feel. “I am sorry Dada” Pradeep said softly “I just went on and on and said it all so bluntly… I am so sorry Dada.” “Don’t be sorry, sahib. Don’t be sorry” Said Dada “This is a challenge for me and I will overcome this problem. There is nothing to worry about.” “It is not going to be so easy Dada. How will you carry out your daily tasks? You have the habit of doing some or the other work all the time. Oh! I almost forgot! Dada let’s talk at home. I have to get the discharge papers now.” Said Pradeep and left the room.

At home, Pradeep arranged his room and helped Dada lie down on his bed. Dada was reluctant but Pradeep simply refused to listen to Dada. Pradeep said, “You are my family and the only person who is close to my heart. Please take rest.” Dada smiled and quietly lied down. After all was set, Pradeep sat down near Dada and said, “Dada, now you won’t be able to work anymore as you did before. Also, when I go to work in my bed sheet store, I cannot leave you alone at home. So, now onwards our lives are going to take a new turn. I have decided to do all the house work early in the mornings and if they are left incomplete then I will complete them on Mondays, when the store remains closed. When I go to the store, I will take you along with me and there you will help me a little (chuckles). Okay?”

Dada nodded. Dada realized that he had a smile on his face. He was thinking how Pradeep was behaving like a good son, and was trying to do everything so that he did not face any problem. But previously, their lives had been so boring. They never used to talk much, though they were living in the same house. And after this accident, which had handicapped Dada, life has brought happiness because of the love, care and support that Pradeep has shown. Dada has realized today how true the saying ‘Whatever happens, happens, for the good’ is.

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