News Today

News Today

2 mins

Mohan: Hello Rohan. Where have you been? I have not seen you since many days.

Rohan: Yes, I had been to my uncle's place. I have just returned yesterday. Do you know that, today, a live debate is going to take place on the 'News Today' channel on television?

Mohan: How did you come to know about it? What is it about?

Rohan: When I had been at my uncle's place, he told me that this channel telecasts debates every Sunday. My uncle and his family sit together and watch the live debates and during the advertisements or at the end, discuss their opinions. They feel this is a very good way to have knowledge about the things around you and to know how a person can also think otherwise.

Mohan: What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday! Please tell me today"s topic of debate.

Rohan: Yes, today's topic is ,'Who is more important in society- a doctor or a soldier?'

Mohan: The debate on this topic can never end. All the points would be very strong. A doctor and soldier are equally important. Both of them save lives, but in a different manner. One saves lives when they are in a problem and the other saves lives by fighting with the enemy, i.e. preventing the problem. The former is a doctor and the latter a soldier.

Rohan: You are absolutely right. But I feel that a small amount of money should be subtracted from the funds for hospitals and should be added for the army. I think so because to stop a militant we need a lot of power and facilities. In a doctor's case, we could try using home remedies.

Mohan: I feel that you are wrong. How will a person realize whether home remedies are appropriate and enough or not? We need to have adequate medical facilities also. We cannot deny them.

Rohan: Before we start debating here itself, lets go to my house and watch the debate.

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