Kiara Davis

Horror Thriller


Kiara Davis

Horror Thriller

Draco Haunted House: Part 2

Draco Haunted House: Part 2

4 mins

We enter the house and the inside is a lot more beautiful than the outside. When you first walk in there's a long hallway and there are knight statues on each side staring at you as if they're ready to attack. The hallway is painted dark purple with the rim painted in gold. There's no light bulbs but instead candles. "This is kind of creepy isn't it"? Lilianna whispers. I shrug my shoulders so don't look scared and say "it's not too bad" she just smiles and continues walking, I don't know if that's good or bad. We reach the main lobby and it's huge. The lobby is probably the size of my house and Josh put together. There's a grand staircase with the same deep dark purple carpeting in the hallway. There were 4 dark blue couches in front of the fire place. the fireplace waa huge, I mean a human being can be cremated in there. There were foreign words, looks like Latin words written above the fireplace. Above the fireplace, there was a picture of an older man, he was dressed in an army suit, he had a long grey beard, curly short black hair, and had a very serious discipline facial tone. "Ah, this is a picture of Draco's father, Lieutenant Draden Argent." The man says. There was a couple sitting on the couch, and the man says "this is the couch where he was killed, if you look closely you can still see the bloodstains" he said with a little grin. The couple quickly jumped up from there seats. "Hey Galen, check this out!" Josh waved at me to look behind the couch. You can see what looks blood but it looks like they tried to cover it with some weird looking designs. "What the hell?" I whisper. The man tells everyone to stand in front of the staircase and says " I want all of you all to wait right here while I go get master Draco". There was dead silence for a minute then I said, "you're not the owner of this place?" The man's eyes got big like I accused him of some crime and let out a screeching grin. He says " oh no dear boy, I'm the butler, Mr. Wilkins to be exact". He continues " Master Draco is the rightful owner, he is the great-great nephew of Draco Argent, his grandmother originally owned the property but she sadly passed and Master Draco inherited now but wanted to move back home to his roots". He stood there standing at everyone with a creepy smile and I notice how red his teeth are, maybe he ate some Jello before the event I thought to myself. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be back dearies".

He slowly walks down this creepy hallway and disappears from view Josh steps in front of me and says "welp! That was creepy as hell, watch you think so far? I replied " it's kinda creepy but more so the Butler than the house", Josh shook his head in agreement. I started to look around to see who was all there. The only people I knew were Lilianna and her mom, the others I didn't recognize. There was a young couple, maybe in their mid-20s, they were the same ones sitting on the couch. There were a mom and her young son who looks no older than 11. The young boy looked completely freaked out and the tour hasn't even started. I start to walk around a bit and start looking at the paintings That were on the wall and I noticed one painting in particular. The painting was a picture of a young boy, in teens, he had jet black curly hair, tall and slender, slightly muscular, green apple eyes, partially tanned. Josh walked and said, "holy crap he looks like you!" He was right, the kid looks just like me. I read the bottom of the painting and it said Draco Shiloh Argent. I read the name again. Shiloh is my middle name.

To be continued...

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