Madhusmita nag

Romance Fantasy Inspirational


Madhusmita nag

Romance Fantasy Inspirational

He, Me, Her And Love

He, Me, Her And Love

3 mins

Like every weekend, I and he were sitting inside the cafe, looking at the bustling of people and the cars. It has been 7 years, since the time of our college, I could not gather the courage to confess my feelings to him.

Contrary to me, he has been heartbroken so many times that I can not count.

But every time, my shoulder is there to share his burden and heartache. 

He loves me the most. He tells that many girls come and go, but I am his constant companion for my whole life.

Because I am his best friend. 

After college, we do jobs in different companies in the same city. 

But we have never missed any single weekend to meet.

Rita is his current girlfriend, whom he had met in his company. He saw her for the first time and fell in love. With passing time, the two got close and enter into a relationship. I have met her. She is a sweet girl, but quite ambitious. As a result, she has chosen to go to America for 5 years for work. And in the cafe, he is sad about being left behind. He is telling how he is not against her decision, but 5 years is too long to be departed. 

I was sipping my coffee while listening to him. Suddenly he got silenced and looked at his coffee for a while

Then he picked up his cup and asked:-

‘Is love overrated’.

I looked at him and thought-

I loved him for all these years as a lover loves her partner. I was always with him in his all ups and downs. But he could not distinguish that love of lover from the love of a friend. We both were in pain when he was heartbroken. 

I was in pain for being unable to give him affection as a lover and to be reciprocated.

He was in pain because the love of my friendship was not enough for him.

Maybe love is just like the sweetness of sweets.

The sweetness of sweets come from the common sugar syrup. But every sweet has its own unique taste totally different to each other creating its own identity.

Like this, emotion is the sugar syrup of love. Different relationships have different emotions. Their way to love and to be loved is different. We can not compare one relationship to others.

The sweetness of sweets depends upon the procedure during the preparation of sweets. In love, consistency, hard work, dedication, commitment and some sacrifices are needed in a relationship for the sweetness. We have to understand before expecting from others, we have to see about our contribution to the relationships. Because relationships only work by mutual efforts.

Different people have different preferences regarding the taste of sweets and it’s not a problem. But the problem arises when someone likes to eat Gulaab Jamun and expects every sweet to taste like that.

Like this, in love, we expect our partners to be in a certain way and also our relationship in a certain way. We want our partners to love us in the way we want to be loved without acknowledging and respecting others' way of love. So sometimes, maybe, we expect the taste of rabdi to taste like Gulab Jamun subconsciously in relationships.

 But I could not utter a single word in front of him. How I will make him understand that neither love nor him nor she nor I am overrated.

Only our imagination, expectations, attachment, way to love and to be loved makes the love overrated.

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