Niharika Rupainwar

Inspirational Tragedy


Niharika Rupainwar

Inspirational Tragedy

I Am Okay.

I Am Okay.

4 mins

"Marry! Marry!, come on here, I need your help!, cried a shrieking voice in the corridors of the Williams household ."Hurry!, it's hurting me", John said. Marry came running to the rescue of her husband to only see a sight, so dreadful and scary.

John Williams, a 55 year old man, who lived with his small family in the city of Leeds, London, was once a cricket champion. Having won many laurels for himself and his country, he was not only a champ with his bat but a champ from his heart. Always practicing and always restless, John was no less than a kid. It has been 20 long years since then. John still lives with his family in the same area with the same big heart, but this time something has changed for his bat. He met with an accident while he was practicing cricket, that completely changed the world around him, and when I say around him, I genuinely mean it. His injury reacted rather violently and turned into a progressive muscular weakness . He was now unable to use his hands or legs for any purpose, he became handicapped! His family tried to get it operated and cured at many hospitals and doctors, but you know what, when things aren't yours, they truly are not. For him, it was the ability to move.

The life of the Williams house came to a standstill . His wife and kids were broke and shattered. What could they have possibly done to undone the things that happened? Frequent falling of John inside the house, slippage of utensils while holding them became a common thing in their lives. His weakness was growing like a black poison tree. Day by day, his condition and weakness was worsening. John was totally taken aback by the condition he was left in. A person who lived sports literally couldn't even move, darn it!

You are thinking of his life? Caged in the 4 walls of his bedroom, all John could see each day, every morning was the 4 walls, a television set and a cabinet, unless his wife helped him move in other rooms.

John did not just experience physical pain, he was living the pain each day, when he saw his son grow up infornt of him. He wanted to teach him how to play cricket and how to ride a bike, but snap that, he couldn't do either. He wished to dance with his small daughter whom he loved unconditionally, but he could only do so in his dreams. He wished to take his wife out to dinner dates and shopping, but sadly he could just dream of all these things now. Seriously, it does need a brave heart to take up so much at a time.

But, there was always one thing that kept John from falling apart. it was the three words that his wife told him every morning, 'You are Okay!'. His wife and kids never let him feel that he was physically barred from doing things. They kept him happy and busy with one or the other stuffs.You know people feel weak when they are made to realize that they are weak. Until you make a person realize his weaknesses, he lives a happy life with all his streanghts.But the day you tell him the weakness, he is captured by his own hypothetical assumptions. This was what His wife did. She kept him up everyday. She even fought with him the way she used to before. Nothing changed but one thing. John became even stronger.

Despite his inability to move, his mind started being cheerful and happy. He started finding happiness in the little things that made his family happy. He couldn't go shopping himself, so what? he sent his wife and kids to shop, and when they came back all excited and happy, that made his day in the end. His family and will power kept him motivated. It was never a matter of being okay, it was always a matter of feeling okay. The three words that his wife told him each day, felt like a bed of primroses for him, It comforted him and he spoke another three words to himself each day' I am Okay'.

Readers, this was the story of John WIlliams. But we know that there is a John William in each one of us that has the strength to fight all weaknesses and come victorious.

"I am Okay", say it aloud , each day and every day. Yes, you are okay because you are breathing and living, Yes you are Okay because you have a beautiful family that stands by you no matter what, Yes you are Okay, because you actually Are!

So smile wide and let your John William shine each day, brave heart and courageous.

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