Mouna M



Mouna M


Is Your Conscience Clear?

Is Your Conscience Clear?

4 mins

Hi, I'm the one whom you happen to meet every day. I am found everywhere on this earth. I may differ in size, shape, and color, but that doesn't matter because without me you can't survive.

Still wondering who am I, ...I am the child of mother Earth. My mother gave birth to various forms of me you know, like herb, shrub, plant, creeper, or a Tree. What's in a name, I know. But I would like to tell you that my mother brought me up so well that I am proud of her. She has taught me so many things, right from taking care of my siblings, but at the same time, to take care of myself and my neighborhood too, which I have been doing right from my birth.

I'll tell you how, from the time of my conception, my mother made sure that she fed with me all possible nutrition available around her with the help of which I grew up into a beautiful tree. My mother made sure that none of the outsiders caught hand of me by building a creeper around me. In turn, I held onto the creeper so tightly that creeper became a part of me. My roots were rooted firmly to mother Earth. That's the kind of love I grew up with.

Lessons learnt, I am thankful to the creeper who protected me. I shall always remember her help and one day I shall repay it as my mother Earth always says that attitude of gratitude will take you to the highest altitude only when you repay it. Of course, I want to grow up so high so that I can reach the sky!!!

Coming to the topic,. I always made sure that I am somehow useful to my neighborhood. Be it sharing the nutrients that my mother supplied me with, like the water, sunlight, soil, and sometimes the bonus like manure given by the mankind, with my friends irrespective of their size or color. Even they used to share their food with me, especially when it poured cats and dogs, we had a festive time, clapping and dancing with our leaves, branches, flowers, and dropping the fruits off to the floor. We always liked the sight when children used to come and pick it up and the best part was that we got our seeds and skin back, because that was one of the innovative ways of reusing your own waste as your food, I bet if you could do that.

Jokes apart, we always used to bear the fruits, but never got to taste it, may it be sour, sweet, or bitter. My mother Earth made sure that we just did our duty of bearing fruits, flowers, and shade, and the results of our duty was left to her and that is why I can vouch for the fact that, she has taken care of us in such a way that we are always at peace with each other.

Maybe, it's our silence that played a huge role in mankind taking advantage of us. Nowadays, I can see myself broken into tits and bits, but still each tit and bit of it is useful to mother Earth and the mankind. I make no huge cry over the fact that my friends are being Ill treated for no mistake of theirs because deep down my heart, I know that my mother will be there through my thick and thin; and the most valuable lesson learnt, Whatever goes around comes around....

My mother also taught us that we should live in such a way that we would be useful to one another untill the last breath of our lives, which I am sure I am doing. Looking at my friends death, I am thankful to them that they would be used till their ashes, and that would also be used as manure for other friends of theirs.

There's still more to say and share, but it's time to feed my neighborhood now, which I can't miss....

Take care of yourself so that I can take care of myself and be sure that each of our consciences are clear,...... Because one day we all are answerable to God.

Thank you,.....

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