Vikrant Rana

Comedy Action Fantasy Others


Vikrant Rana

Comedy Action Fantasy Others

It’s Time To Get Overcharge!

It’s Time To Get Overcharge!

14 mins

You know our world has several superheroes, few have similar kind of powers and few have powers which are totally out of this world. Whenever a superhero rises, a new supervillain wakes up too. Most of them are hungry of their powers and so, as the same happened with me. This time, it was for me to stand up against the villain. Let the story began. Once, there lived a boy, named. Wait-Wait-Wait, why my introduction is starting like a 90's story? Let me start my story myself, in a very much better way. It was evening, the sun was setting down, the roads were full as everyone is returning home from their offices and in this peaceful pace of time, there I was, sitting on a bench in the park all alone with my sadness. Because it's been fuckin three months since I've been a superhero and till now neither a single supervillian has came after me, nor The CAPE (Corporation Against Powerful Enemy). So, I was sitting in a park wearing a cap with a hoodie over it, a mask and sunglasses (In such a manner that no one can see my face) and was listening to music to cheer up my mind. All the people were doing their evening walk, the old ones are chatting and children are playing. Till a man came in and started to open fire with his high-tech guns (which I wish I could also have). Everyone started running here and there. It was a total chaos and an old women in wheelchair got in front of him. People really stop looking after their parents once they are grown up. I saw a man race towards her and stood in front of her. I thought let's see where it leads to, and then I'll make a superhero entry. Anyway, the villain said, "Look everyone, we've got a hero among us." At first, I thought my identity was out. But then he continued, "Trying to save his grandma." Then I relieved with a sigh. He said, "Guys like you are so pathetic. She'll die if not now then within a day or two and you are willing to give your life for her, moron. You guys don't know how to survive. Never Be A Hero. Let's teach our audience a lesson on that. Prepare to say goodbye." He got a clear shot at him and shot two times and turned around. Just as soon as he shot, I jumped in front of the guy and the lady. Obviously nothing happened to me. I stood still like a mountain, immovable. But due to the smoke from the destroyed bullets I had to cough. Yeah, I killed the heroic moment by coughing. Anywho, I shouted at him, "Oi! Are you done already?" At first, I thought he was a normal gangster but nope, he was a total cool jackass supervillain. How did I know? Because he has a cool skull mask on his face, had big biceps, and was bald and having next-gen weapons, well not next-gen but high-tech and not being racist but he is black. He passes almost every quality that needs to be a supervillian. I mean it's true that whenever a superhero rise, a new supervillain wakes up too. He suddenly turned back and said, "Ah, you must be that superhero." Then I said back, "Who do you think I am, douche bag." I knew there was going to be a fight. So, I turned around and said to the guy, "Hey bud, it was great how you came to save your nana." But the villain interrupted me and shot me at my back. I mean, it's not like I'll do my super heroic wisdom talk and he won't do anything, just standing there and let me have it. NO! It's just some fake bullshit shown in every superhero movie.  Anyway, I continued and said, "Take care of her like that for the rest of your life. Now take her home and give her a hot cup of tea." Then the nana said, "Actually soup would be nice." Then I said, "Anyway, just take care of her." Then he took her nana and got away. The villain shot at me again. Clearly, this guy has no respect for heroic moments. I turned and said, "Zip it skull face. That's enough of you." I hit him with a lightning bolt from my hand and he fell at least 5 meters away from where he was standing (damn, that's far) and made a big hole in the ground. When I got there he was fainted. 

Oh! I almost forgot. Now you must be thinking why the guy in the mask is attacking such a handsome guy like me, not because of he is jealous of me but he wants my powers. I thought that you guys wanted to know my superhero story but you want to know my life story, well here it is. It's flashback time. You know the villain is fainted so I wouldn't be interrupted in between for some time so it's a perfect time for a back story. Everybody in this world dreams of becoming a superhero. But me, I never expected this would happen because I never dreamed of becoming one, because it's unreal. Yeah, I read superhero comics and I love watching them. But truly, I never wanted to become one, but everything doesn't work on our belief. Sometimes it's beyond our thinking. So let me tell you how it all began.

When I was a baby my father, named Clark Russo, just vanished. He literally just left us. We didn't know where he went, why he went. Nothing! There was just a note. It was written, "I have to do something, but it can bring harm to you guys. So, I have to go. Please don't hate me. I Love You." Till now no one knows where my father is. The police also gave up. I think he vanished because of me. Who wouldn't? I couldn't chew, couldn't talk, couldn't walk and kept crying all the time. That's a perfect reason to leave someone, I mean, I totally would. Anyway, so my mother raised me all by herself, she named me Thomas Russo (my friends call me Tom). As we were facing financial crises after dad left us, we had to move out. We've been living in really hard times. We lived in Mungallala. Our house had a small kitchen attached to the drawing room, a smelly toilet with a little space to shower and one single bedroom. My mother offered me to sleep on the bed and herself sleep on the floor, but I knew that she works really hard to run our livelihood so, I let her sleep on the bed and I, myself use to sleep on the floor myself. My mother used to do farming and I, also sometimes helped her in my free time, like during holidays. One day when she was digging in the backyard she found some gold rocks (I know it's a jackpot). Now she is the head of a gold mine. But we couldn't shift to another town or city because the mine was there. I was good in academics, so I had already applied for a scholarship and I got in. So, she sent me out for my high school. We bought a house there. It was in Brisbane. The house was of $810,000. Now you may be thinking that I am rich, but no. My mother wanted me to stand on my own feet. So, you can assume how much she spends on me. The house that she bought for me is to avoid any inconvenience regarding a place to stay. Fun fact: she bought it by a loan from a bank on my name, without even telling me. She told me about the loan when she gave me my first pocket money, which was through an envelope. I had a little bit of a heart attack. Then I started looking around the house. But I didn't found any camera. Guys, this is not a prank. I have been bamboozled, by my own mother. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. So, I did a little bit of both. My monthly pocket money was $25,000. I know it's a lot, right. But here's the twist, from my allowance, $22,500 goes to the bank every month. Rest you can do the math, 'Hard Times'. Man, I wish I would have slept on the bed. But she was also right, because having a personality of your own is something within itself. My mother had to go back to look after the mine. It was my first day at school, and me and my best friend didn't know anyone. Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys about my best friend. His name is Vikki Rana. Well, let me tell you guys about him. I'll cover it short. Vikki is my best friend. Since my father left us, we had to live poorly, which also comprises poor area. But in that poor area there was someone rich at heart, Vikki Rana. His parents work at a company. At that time, well, they were rich from us. He is one of the brightest students I know. He also applied for the scholarship with me. But he couldn't get it. And I know that he has a strong will to study besides, he is really good in academics. I don't know why his scholarship was turned down. So I made some agreements with the school and gave my scholarship to him. I, now, can afford the school. Besides, scholarships should be for those who can't afford big schools like this one. Now the question was where he will stay, because Queensland, from our town, is 7 hours away. After I had bought the house, I asked him to stay with me. It was a big house, he is my best friend, he needed help and also I needed company because a teenager living alone in a big house is a treat for bad people. It's not like the house was not safe, it had a pretty good security system and the locality was safe, which was walking distance from school. But he had always been there for me in times when I needed help, many times in the past. His pocket money was 1/5 of mine. We know we had financial differences but nothing comes between our friendships. So we used to chip in all our money and use it together as one unit. My mom agreed and his parents also agreed because you know, living with someone you know very closely is safe enough. So, we packed our things, bid goodbye to our parents, got in the car and started our 7 hour long journey. Yeah, he had a car. It was the last time I missed on information, it won't happen again. I promise. We lived happily like a king, we party, play games and we also study. Hence, we are at top of our classes. Not in first position but, like between very good and perfect. We always fall between these two segments. Everything was perfect. But, one day we both were arguing on something (I can't remember). Whenever I am sad or angry I used to come and sit in the park and listen to songs to cheer up my mind. So as always, I was sitting on the park bench (it was raining). Suddenly lightning struck on me. 

Hey, the fainted villain is coming back to life. So let's step away from the back story and come back where I was dealing with the villain. I promise, I'll continue it later. Let's come back to the park. So, I turned around and started going back thinking police will take care of it. Then suddenly I felt something is pulling me back, so I turned around and WTF! He's got a very cool weapon, which was connected to something he was wearing on his head. That gun was pulling me towards it. I tried very much to get away but I can't. Then he pressed a red button. I knew something bad is going to happen because I have read in comics and seen in real life also that whenever a villain presses a red button something bad happens every time and so as this time. The gun started absorbing my powers and the thing on his head was starting to fill up. He was stealing my powers. Although, he is a supervillian but he is really smart. Because to make a gun like that, needs a big brain. I tried everything to get out of it but I couldn't, I got exhausted and I got overcharged and then suddenly, boom. I exploded. I realized this power for the first time. I didn't know what happened. I think his weapon was successful in absorbing my powers. I looked around and he was fainted on the ground. The police took him in his custody. I was feeling really weak. So, I went home. Vikki asked if I was okay or not. I said I'm fine. I just want to sleep. He said, "Yeah, I get it, for what happened in the park. And I'm sorry about arguing with you earlier." I said, "Me too. But I really need to lie down." Then I locked myself in my room and lie on the bed and slept through the night. Now I'm sleeping so it's a good time to continue my back story. So yeah, lightning struck on me and I fainted. When I woke up, I found myself in a bed and my friend was sitting beside me and my mother was sleeping on the guest couch. He woke my mom and said, "Ms. Russo, Tom." They were looking at me like I came back to life from death. My mother said to me (crying), "Tom, are you okay?" I said, "I'm fine. It's just, I don't remember anything." I asked, "How you came back so fast?" She said, "You've been sleeping from two days." I replied, "I wasn't sleeping, I was fainted. Both are different." I asked my friend, "What happened there in the park, I don't remember a thing?" He replied, "Tom don't freak out, it's just, you got struck by lightning and you got fainted. That's all, no big deal." I was shocked after hearing this and suddenly all the electrical appliances in the hospital stopped, like it was a power cut. My mom called out the doctor. "See, I told you he'll be fine. There are many lightning accidents happened all around the world." The doctor said. I asked the doctor, "When can I get discharge?" He replied, "Right away, because you have passed all you tests." I said, "Which tests?" He replied, "You have no outer injury, no internal injury, and no brain injury. Basically you are fine overall and most important test, waking up. So yeah, you are good to go. Or you can stay here a little more and make us good money. Ha-ha, laughing is the best medicine. And you should see your chest. You've got a great tattoo." I looked at my chest and I saw a scar which looked like lightning. You know a symbol of lightning. It looked pretty good on me. I said, "Thank you doc and no, we'll be get going." I got discharged from the hospital and everything was fine. My mom convinced me to stay at home for one more day. So, I stayed and my mom also stayed till the evening. Then she bid goodbye and everything was going normal and fine. But strange things started to happen the next day. In the morning when the alarm clock started to ring, before I touch it to turn it off a lightning-sparked from my hands and the alarm clock busted. I thought that maybe the cells overheated. I didn't pay much attention and started getting ready for school my friend was already waiting for me in the car. In school, something happened which I thought was very weird. I was playing football (my favorite sport in which I was not the school champion, but I was good at it) and I got a penalty kick. When I kicked the ball the lightning struck from my body to the ball and its speed was unknown. It was very-very fast and it ripped of the goal net and ended up in a classroom. Everyone started to look at me freakily. Somehow I managed to hide myself from everyone at school. You know, I am good at covering up my face. Then I ran away and at the end of the school when I reached home I locked myself up in my room and started figuring out what was happening. Vikki had some extra class, so I came by myself. Then I started to memorize that there is one superhero comic (Electric Man) in which a man got struck by high volt of lightning and got powers. So I decided I should be the real hero of this city, like he became. You know we have same abilities (powers) so I should follow him. I thought that I've got those powers. I tried the lightning powers first. My phone's power was gone so I tried charging it. When I focused, lightning struck from my hand to the phone. I thought that it will be charged but it got overcharged and blasted. Hey don't laugh, it's my first time, I'm still practicing. Now it was time for the strength test I tried punching the wall. I thought that the wall will have little cracks but, the wall cracked all the way from bottom edge to the top edge. I was like OMG! I have super strength. But I needed to cover my traces paved on the wall. So, I bought a wallpaper of same kind and put it on the wall. The best thing which I got in addition which was not in the comic is an electromagnetic force field around my body whenever I focus. I figured that power first time, when a tough guy (who is a bully) tried to punch me but his punch didn't touch me and his palm got swelled. The only power missing was that I didn't had bullet proof body, I mean I feel very little pain and when someone punches me I hardly feel something. So yeah, I had tough body but not tough enough to stop bullets, they can still penetrate through me. But I had the electromagnetic field for this case. But I am a real man. So, I decided I would always fight fair. Which means, using force field only when someone has gun or anything like that, basically anything that can damage, like penetrate my body, not in hand-to-hand combat. I made a list of the powers I have. They are super strength, super speed (not like the one where I run as fast as a blink of an eye, more like speed of a super soldier, just read the comics or watch the movies and you'll understand), tough body, force field, flying (floating actually, electromagnetic fields, just study electromagnetism and you'll have the answers, which also makes me thinks I have teleportation), of which I have not tried because I am afraid but I have felt it sometimes, fast healing, enhanced senses, durability and you know lightning bolts. Now I realized what was happening to me. Our city did not have any superheroes so I thought it should be me. First, I thought that I should have a superhero costume. But I did not like the costume stuff. Then I realized that I should have a mask so that no one can see who I am. So I made my mask my way. I decided that whenever I fight I will wear a mask, a cap with a hoodie over it and sunglasses. That's kinda cool, you know keeping it a secret from everyone, even from my friend and family. Now it was time for a really cool superhero name so, I am thinking, thinking, thinking, not getting so leaving. I am unable to think a bad-ass superhero name so I left it. I mean whom I am kidding, like I am a superhero so, now a super villain will appear and I will fight him, save the city and then people will ask my name. I mean whom am I kidding. I don't think a supervillain will come after me. Pfft, such an over thinking. That's all from the flashback.

          I think I have slept a lot. It's time to wake and restore my powers. So let's come back to the present. I remember that in the comic the superhero charged himself with electricity whenever he got weak. So I was going to try it, I was afraid but I had to. Vikki had gone to the school and he didn't bother to wake me up. He thought it might be okay for me to stay for a day. For what happened yesterday. Also he thought that it might be good to ease up on me, I mean I was struck by lightning. So I charged myself through the electric wires of my house and sucked a lot of power. Now I was feeling a lot more powerful. Let me tell you an interesting story when I was powerful. It's time for another back story. I promise it's the last back story. Have Fun! Once a boy in my college started fighting with me because I won against him in football, I tried to get away from that fight but he tried punching me. But I ducked and he missed me as I have enhanced senses. But he was not backing off, so I punched him back and his two teeth were out. After that, I swear not to fight with anyone. Let's come back to the present. I was ready to kick his butt the next time I encounter him. So, I turned on the TV and did something unexpected, I watched the news for the very first time. It was evening and Vikki came back from school and when he watched me watching the news, he was shocked. Obviously, because no teenager watches the news. He asked, "Tom, what are you doing?" I replied, "Nothing, just watching the news to find out more about the villain in the park." He said, "OK, I am gonna go and freshen up." Anyway, I was still watching-still watching-watching-watching and finally after 1 hour and 17 minutes, I saw him on the news. The news was saying that the hero has become a villain now and they named me Electric Man (I am not naming me this. This sucks). It was him.  I couldn't understand how he got my powers. He must have got them when the gun, absorbing my powers got destroyed. But I don't care because I am in a full mood of fighting. He first was heading towards the power plant. Now I had to go there. So, I told Vikki that I was going to the market to buy some chips and drinks. Also, I am taking the car. I am afraid of flying and probably will be slow in running than in driving. He said, "Fine. Just don't scratch the car and be back soon." I took the keys and got in the car and I had to rush. So, I drove the car like a pro racer and, yeah ended up in an accident, destroying the car but at the entrance of the power plant. Yeah, I made it. I got there and said, "Hey you, 'thief', you stole my powers and now you're misusing them. That's how you repay me. Anyway, it's time for the end." The fight begins!

He rushed towards me and punched me and I was like, Ow! First, he's got 'The Rock' like big biceps and now my powers gave him strength too, just great. I strike him with lightning and it hurt him only a little bit because he was able to absorb my powers, he did the same back to me but I got out of his sight so he missed me. I broke a tower a little bit and hit him with the metal rod and a drop of blood fell out of his face, WOW! He did the same to me and I bleed a little bad than him. At this scene, we were facing each other with a metal rod in our hand so, I said aloud, "You thought this was going to be a street fight, well you're damn right." I didn't plan for this but the scene was like that only. So I went with flow. Now we were hitting each other with the rod and in between with lightning too. But my lightning powers weren't working as he was able to absorb them. At least 3 minutes later we both were pretty much tired, but I was more tired than him. Since, he was absorbing my powers whenever I hit him with lightning bolt. So, he was a little less tired. Now at this scene, he was standing a little distant from me and from there he took a jump and was going to hit me hard on my head. I tried to save myself by holding my rod from both the ends. But he hit very hard that my rod broke in two pieces. He threw his rod and punched me hard on my chest and I am bleeding very badly. I was a little fainted. He took a grab hold on me and was choking me. I was running out on options, so I was trying to get out of it but nothing was working. I tried punching. I tried giving lightning strike on his head. Hell I even tried tickling but nothing happened. I was running out on options, nothing was working and I got frustrated and I got overcharged then again, boom! There was a big explosion and an EMP (Electric Magnetic Pulse) charge got released from me and I was feeling very much week. He tried to absorb this also but you know, 'Too much of anything is not good'. He was looking like a giant ball filled with immense electricity. There was a giant explosion. There was an energy that got released. It was the electrical energy that he absorbed. It destructed the city a lot. So, from then onwards I swear that I will control this power and will never use it unless I am all out of options. As we were fighting in the power plant so because of an EMP charge the whole city was black out. Also, the plant was pretty much destructed. But the main line was fine. All it needed was a little charge to bring the city back on power for a little bit. At least till it could be rebuilt. So with my leftover power, I charged the plant and the city was back on electricity. I looked at the man and he fainted again, but this time I was going to finish him. But police came in and I don't want to kill anyone and become a criminal. So I handed him over to the police. Clearly his all powers were gone so I let the police took him. Then a boy came rushing towards me and thanked me and said, "Electric Man, you are the true superhero of our city." I said, "My name is not electric man. It's……. Overcharge." Cool! Right, I named myself on my strongest move. I mean everytime I lose control, got overcharge and explode. From then onwards I decided no matter what, I will always save this city from all badass villains who will try to destroy the city no matter how strong the villain is. From now onwards my city too has a superhero and it is me. As I was sinking in the moment, I heard a helicopter approaching towards me. It landed right in front of me. A man stepped down from it and started walking towards me. He stopped in front of me and said, "Hey kid, what's your name?" The boy who rushed towards me said, "His name is Overcharge." I said, "Yeah, thanks kid, I got this. Now go to your mom, alright. And never do anything to upset her." Then I turned towards the man and said, "My name is Overcharge, sir. And I am a huge fan of yours. I mean, who isn't." He said, "Yeah, fine. How would you like to join us kid?" I replied, "Of course sir. It's a lifetime opportunity." He said, "Don't rush into anything. Here, think about it thoroughly and give us a call. And remember, thoroughly." He handed over a card to me, got back in the helicopter and left. You all must be thinking who he was. Well, he is the founder of 'The CAPE', Mr. Cage.


"So, mam what do you think? Will it work?" I said to my teacher,     Ms. Anderson. She replied, "Yeah it is good. Every character is well handled, well written. The sense of humor is also good." Now, you must be thinking that I am reviewing my own story, so I will only say that it's good but these were her exact words. Now, let's come back to what she was saying. "But, the next time I want you to make a character of the villain. Unlike the one in this, where you just introduced him as a criminal, but I want you to build the character of the villain, understood." I said, "What do you mean by next time." She replied, "This will work for the scholarship. For one year. For second year you have to write one more and for third year one more, got it." I replied, "Yeah got it, alright." In my mind I was like, "Fuck it, it's a lot of work. But maybe it's for the best." I got home and was sitting in the drawing room thinking what could be the character build up of a villain. I mean they are all always criminal. Tom came flying, landed in the backyard and came in through the backdoor. He asked, "What are you doing?" I replied, "Nothing just working on another story and this time I have to give a character to the villain. Not like he was a criminal already, it will not work. Anyway, what about you, fought anyone recently?" He replied, "Yeah, I fought a girl, you know. Yeah, she had me lose my mind.   I mean, she was really clever. She was like a psycho. She had a real hate spot for boys. But I got her." I said, "You know you just gave me a really great Idea. Now if you'll excuse me I have got story to write about, with a character for the villain." Oh, I am sorry. Now you guys must be thinking that, "Oh, he just saw him flying and is not freaked out. How he knows his powers." Well, like I said, I have got a story to write about. So, see you guys. Till then, 'Keep being Overcharge'. 

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