Vaanya Jain

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational


Vaanya Jain

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational

Make A Wish

Make A Wish

2 mins

The clock struck twelve. Sixteen-year-old Lucy stealthily tiptoed into the kitchen, grasped the muffin kept on the table and lit a candle. “ For this year, I heartily wish that my illness is cured so that I can walk again.” She silently blew the candle, nibbled the muffin and went back to bed. Lucy’s health was in a dire state and much to the doctor’s concern, she suffered from insomnia. Each night, she desperately tried to sleep, but even drugs were useless. 

She cautiously laid down on the bed and stared at the stars on the ceiling. Soon, one of them started shining brightly. “Eh, is that star shining?” Lucy wondered while rubbing her eyes ferociously. The star cascaded towards her like a snowflake and settled on her chest. She felt an excruciating pain in her chest and her body levitated. “Woah, what is happening?” Lucy suddenly felt tired, slumped back on the bed and for the first time in fourteen years, fell asleep. 

The scorching sun was overhead. Lucy’s parents were alarmingly panicked on seeing her sleeping. They quickly summoned the doctor and asked him to treat the unconscious Lucy. The doctor’s face was coloured in shock, surprise and disbelief. The clamour and cacophony woke her up. Lucy’s mother broke into sobs while her father paced beside her bed. “What happened? Mother? Father?” 

This was the first time she had seen her parents like this. Lucy’s mother embraced her in a warm hug and comforted herself. Next, she swiftly walked over towards her father and quickly pecked him in the cheek. Everyone was flabbergasted and so was Lucy. Her legs were healed, her condition much better and she was ridden from her insomnia. Several tests run by the doctors gave the same result. Lucy was on top of the world, because much to her surprise, her wish had come true.

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