janvi khot



janvi khot


Menstruation (Periods)

Menstruation (Periods)

1 min

           PART :- 03.

  O Shit..! These periods cramps 

           came back,

   it pains more bitterly than a

      "HEART ATTACK ".

 This time is considered very bad

That is what makes me very sad....!

   When a girl or women bleeds,

         those 3-5 days,

 She is not allowed to enter kitchen,

She is not able to enter the temples


 Not allowed to attend any "Pujas".

  She is made to stay away crying 

           "ALONE" in 

     Pains & Cramps without

     anybody attending her..!

 She is not loved by her husband.

   She is not cared by peoples 


           her family.

   "Men-struation" (menstruation)

    "Men-opause" (menopause)

   (mental) "Men-tal breakdowns"

          notice how all

  Women's problems begins with 

           a "Men".

    She is just considered as an 

          'Impure Object',

not to be touched or stayed near by.

    She still suffers everything


        survives...,as she is  

   the MOTHER of many LIVES ..!

     It may be sound horrible,

      but, for women / girl

   " Everything Is Possible "...!


          isn't a curse

      It is a blessing.. bcos,

  "She" is the only one who can,

         give the birth..


(Girls/Ladies, Always be proud to 

        be a WOMAN.)

...Really, I'm proud to be a Girl..!

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