janvi khot

Comedy Drama Romance


janvi khot

Comedy Drama Romance

Single Doctor... (Part:- 01)

Single Doctor... (Part:- 01)

10 mins

I will first introduce my Characters of the story.:-

1. Anashvan - Extremely punctual person, A top scorer at Medical Science University, Loves to collect books & watches.

2. Maitreyi - A rich spoilt brat.

3. Tirtha - Maitreyi's BFF.

4. Kiran - Friend of Maitreyi & a gay.

5. Samaksh - Kiran's boyfriend.

  "Anashvan", a top scorer of Doctorate University where he has scored straight A's in all his Doctorate exams. He is an extremely punctual person and loves collecting inspirational books & watches. "Maitreyi" is a rich spoilt brat

and loves spending her time chatting or posting pics on social media & all-time eating.

One morning while shopping usually, she came to know that her family has filed for bankruptcy. Her mom informs her that her father and she have to left for Paris & Maitreyi will have to manage things of her own for some days. Not accustomed to any kind of hard work, she asks her friend "Kiran" for help and offers her a place in his house which he shares with his brother "Anashvan". To accept his offer, she has to pretend to be Kiran's boyfriend so nobody suspects him of being gay & he will pay her a huge amount of money. Now.., this spoilt brat was huge hungry for money all the time & "Maitreyi" happily agrees to help unaware she did deal with "Kiran".! She will not only have to share the house with "Anashvan" but will also have to take lessons of Good manners from him.

 Sounds interesting ..Na ?? Let's start the story then. -


PART:- 01.


One day in the afternoon, outside the college there were 2 reporters who were so nervous to meet the Ambassador from the Faculty of Medical Science as he is known to be so punctual as they are late today. And they are right today about it as "Anashvan" has already left. They chase after him and he gives them only 40 seconds to ask their questions. They ask him how he managed to get straight? Who is his role model? He said memorizing a whole textbook does the trick for him. My role model is my Mom & Dad. They ask him if it is true that he loves to collect books & watches. He says that he is very particular about time so he collecting watches & books to increase my knowledge is his hobby, which he learned from his Mom & Dad.

They then ask what would you do if he falls for a girl who is opposite from him ?? Means, what you will do if the girl is not punctual at all?? He said that will depend on how much he likes the girl. They ask him how he expresses his love for a girl and he replies that when he likes a girl he pretends to not care about her. At last.., he says, "40 seconds are up" & he bids

The interviewers Goodbye.

At the Practical lab of Faculty, Maitreyi & her friends see a handsome guy walking towards them and bet who he must be there for. One girl says that the man is there to see her while the other girl guesses that he is there for Maitreyi. They decide to ask him to put an end to the debate when a pretty girl

comes to the man and they happily leave together.

Maitreyi and her friends then go to the parking lot where they see Anashvan. Maitreyi is stunned to see him and she prays that he does not spot her but he does. Anashvan locks his eyes with Maitreyi & looks like he wants to say something but refrains from doing so.

Just then, a girl approaches him and he leaves with her. Maitreyi's friends who are awestruck by Anashvan's appearance ask her about him and she tells that he is the Prince from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and she met him when she has messed up with Tirtha. Her friend then guesses that it was because of Tirtha that her Somza band get disbanded. The comment annoys Maitreyi but she brushes it off and leaves saying she wants to go shopping.

At the mall, Maitreyi spots a beautiful one-piece & watch and tries to buy it but, her credit card gets declined. She picks a fight with a salesman in that shopping mall over it when Anashvan walks in and interjects that she is once again fighting & blaming others for her own mistakes. She grouses about him ignoring her deliberately while he pays no heed to her. He then hands her the National Credit Card's Bureau's Number & leaves with his watch. Maitreyi screams after him calling him a rude guy. The salesman then advises her to call the number he gave to her to know why her card got declined.

Maitreyi leaves the showroom angry & immediately calls the National Credit Card Bureau & learns that her account has been suspended by the "The Delaware National Bank of Delhi".

She gets shocked by hearing that & starts crying & at that time, her Mom calls her and tells about bankruptcy & she and her Dad will leave Delhi soon and will go to Paris soon.

Her mother asks her to stay in Delhi so no one grows suspicious of their activities. She asks Maitreyi to sell off her all designer bags & rent a room close to her campus. Holding her shopping bags so close to her Maitreyi starts wailing in the middle of the mall. Following her mother's instructions, Maitreyi rents a room in a cheap hotel but she ends up spending that frivolous night wide awake after her brief encounter with dirty insects like mosquitoes, cockroaches, and a gecko in her room.

She calls her friend Kiran and asks him to meet her. When he asks her what's the matter with her she only says that she is having a tough time. He tells her that she can call him whenever she wants to and that he will always there for her. And just like that, he appears beside her and she runs into his arms. He consoles her and tells her not to worry as everything will be alright.

Kiran brings Maitreyi to his house where she tells him about her situation.

He tells her that he can help her out if she helps him out. He then shows her his boyfriend's photo & reveals that he is gay. Maitreyi is flabbergasted at first as she cannot believe Kiran.

She then asks him how she can help him & he proposes that she act to be his girlfriend and he will pay her ₹80,000 for it. The thought of having so much money makes her excited. She starts imagining all the stuff she can buy with that money. He then tells her that he plans to stay with his boyfriend Samaksh so she will have his whole house to herself and so she happily agrees to help him.

The moment they say the deal, Anashvan, who has been listening to their whole conversation from the bedroom stairs out and opposes the idea. He tells his brother Kiran to speak the truth to his mother and not deceive her but Maitreyi wants to go with the plan. She gets into an argument with Anashvan. Kiran intervenes & requests to have a word with Anashvan in private. Kiran steps out and tells Maitreyi that Anashvan has agreed to this plan but, Maitreyi has to first apologize to him. Maitreyi reluctantly goes to Anashvan's room & tries to apologize but, Anashvan starts down his

countdown of10 seconds & then asks her to buzz off. Angry she storms out of his room.

After some time, Maitreyi & Kiran go to her rent room. Then, she packs her all stuff and Kiran carries Maitreyi's bags from her room while she walks before him like Princess. The owner of the room asks her if she is leaving to never return to that place again.

On their way, while going back home, they saw a cafe and stops the car, and get into the Cafe where Maitreyi asks Kiran about his relationship with Anashvan. Kiran reveals that his mother is a mistress & Anashvan is the son of his father's wife. He says that despite knowing who Kiran is Anashvan treated him like a real brother. He says that Anashvan has kept this secret from his mother. Getting to the main topic, she asks what she is required to do fake girlfriend and he tells her that he will be seeing her more often & will flirt with her and she just has to play along.

Maitreyi neatly organizes her all stuff in the room & jumps on her new bed after she is done with all work. She feels amazed at the fact that she will be sharing the house with the person she dislikes so much. But then she recalls the incident when she was being harassed by some goons in the garden and Anashvan comes to her rescue. She then thinks that living with Anashvan will not be such a bad thing after all.

Kiran's boyfriend Samaksh wakes up in bed & asks Kiran about Maitreyi. He tells him that she must have gotten adjusted by now with Anashvan as he is there for her. Samaksh expresses his concerns as he heard that Anashvan & Maitreyi don't get along and Kiran says that it's good if they fight bcoz, that way they will grow closer to each other.

Samaksh gets naughty and pulls Kiran into bed with him.

The next day, Maitreyi gets ready and leaves for college when she meets Anashvan in the lift. She tries to strike a conversation with him but he totally ignores her. He then mocks her stream of Sports Science & she wonders how he got to know about her background.

He then tells her that even though he has allowed Kiran and her to go on with their facade he will not permit them to behave as they please. She retorts that he can do whatever he wants but, he has brought to interfere in her personal life. They then get to the University together in his car.

In the car, Anashvan shows Maitreyi Kiran's interview in which he stated that he likes girls who are well-disciplined & sweet. He tells her that for Kiran's mother to believe that she is his girlfriend she will need some attitude, adjustments, and good lessons. He also shows her the contract Kiran prepared for her in which she will have to take lessons from Anashvan to train to be a gracious lady. Maitreyi feels mortified about the conditions but, signs the agreement to avoid going back to being homeless. He then asks her to leave & behave like a well-mannered girl, she joins her hand & thnx him. She then politely requests him to open the door for her.



When Maitreyi returns home she tries to order a pizza & burger but, Anashvan disconnects the phone before she can place the order. He then starts with the lessons on becoming a gracious lady. He lists all the hallmarks of a lady and points out that. Maitreyi exhibits none of these qualities.


He then tells her how she has to behave with him considering that he is older than her. She protests and asks why she has to be respectful to him & he shows her the contract she signed that morning. He started to give her lessons. The first lesson is, "How to greet someone?" With a stick in his hand, he corrects Maitreyi's posture and tells her to sit straight & orders her to bend & sit in a specific way. This session of both of them goes for 15 minutes. After finishing the session, Maitreyi runs to her bedroom by looking angrily at Anashvan. In her room, she sits up in her bed resolving to act against this kind of slavery, which she doesn't like anymore.

It's a fluffy romantic story. Now let's see "Will Maitreyi finds any solution on stopping our cute Anashvan's bossy type slavery..??", in the next part.

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