Tisha Sehrawat

Tragedy Fantasy


Tisha Sehrawat

Tragedy Fantasy



3 mins

Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named James and a poor girl named Alli. They were from a poor family. Their father worked in a factory and his salary was 60 $ per month. Their mother was a maid and she only earned 90 $ per month. They played with toys which were thrown in the garbage. They never went to school. They were living in a hut and sometimes didn't have food for the whole day.

One day, they went to the streets to take a bath from the rain. It was Christmas morning and that night they slept on the streets. When they were returning, they saw an old man sitting in a café. The man came towards them and said " Look at you two bastards! Get yourself clean! Where are your parents? Oh yeah, I have heard that poor children have dead parents, right?". The children were very angry but they did not say anything.

There was another man who say and heard the whole thing. He knew that the children were sad and angry so he came up to them and said, " I work in a rich household, I am the assistant there. The parents are very generous and loving. They have 1 daughter and a son. Their names are Lilly and Leano. I could invite you there and they would happy to help.

James and Alli looked so happy and said yes. They rushed to their parents. When they reached, they couldn't find their parents. A group of people were there and the children asked what happened? The villagers said that there were robbers who followed them and Kidnapped them. When the robbers saw that they had no money, they took them!! The girl and boy were very sad.

They went to the house and told the owners the devastating news of their parents. The owners and James and Alli were very sad. The owners decided to give them a room in their house until their parents were found and taught them good manners. They gave James and Alli clothes, free food and space.

All was going well, until one day, James and Alli saw the man who said bad things to them. He was begging for food. The children took pity on him and gave him some pie and clothes from the nearby stores. The man thanked them and said sorry for everything he had said. When they returned home, the owners told them the good news. Their parents were found! The children were so happy! The owners said that they will be coming any second. We have sent them 1 million $. You will go to the house that we bought for them.

The kids were so happy and in that exact moment, the Parents rushed through the door. They hugged each other, said goodbye and left for their new home. The boy looked at the girl and said, " How did that happen?". The girl told him "Miracles CAN happen"!

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