Pooja Roy

Abstract Action Inspirational


Pooja Roy

Abstract Action Inspirational

Moon Rocked with me

Moon Rocked with me

1 min

Title seems very unique 

I know... He is the one who is always ready to dance with me till 15 days.... Two months completed in new terrifying job, I respect every job but here seems everything different, No appreciation just a animal work, even animals are appreciated by humans and we all are thankful to them but we humans are the slave of money , 9 hours of slave where in some of the area people doesn't get respect for their work.... But still am working here, Just to run my family because every time I can't run from the problems at certain point I have to face them, and now am decided to punch on their face, Now my every move is ready to prick them, I won't take any revenge

Just like a Moon, I will be fine

Full moon to New Moon I will show my every phase which will affect the wide ocean.... Because of the moon gravitational pull tide gets smaller and bigger

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