priya kothandapani

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational


priya kothandapani

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational

My Bestfriend is Alien

My Bestfriend is Alien

5 mins

Frankie was in his middle school. He was tiny with brown hair and big blue eye wearing Harry Potter glasses. He was different from others in the class. He loves science. He spends more time reading about antenna and space crafts. The boys always bullied him for his glasses and science fiction stories about aliens and their planet.

After the lunch he shared the things about alien and spaceship, which he read in the Aliens: The World's Leading Scientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life book written by Jim Al-khalli. But boys are started making fun of him for his theory and his glasses.

He went back to his chair. He feels very bad. Every time he was bullied by classmates for his glasses and scientific research.They shout towards him "if you read these big books again and again you will wear two more glasses loser" He started hating himself because of them.

After his school, he started walking towards his home sadly, his home was outside of the colony. His home was in the frame land surrounded by nature. His parents are doing agriculture.He removed his eye glasses. But he barley see things after removing the glass. He feels irritated.

He kicked the stone in the ground and feels like kicking the boys who bullied him. Suddenly the wind started blowing fiercely, the cloud becomes dark blue above his head. He saw the space shuttle was grounded near to his farmland

He was with surprise and shock. The space shuttle has hatched. Tiny size green skinned, oval faced alien with big rounded eyes has stepped out of the spaceship. The alien saw the Frankie looking at the spaceship. It waves it's hand towards him and says something. But Frankie can't understand what it's saying he started running towards his home. The alien also followed him. Frankie went into his house, even without removing shoes because of fear.

He hides himself under the dining table. Alien understands that it is threatening him with its language. Alien changed it's language channel to earth and started speaking, Hello, I am Linda. I am from Kepler-168f. My spaceship gets damaged by the stone in the universe while traveling to the nearest planet. For emergency purpose I have been landed my spaceship here.

I need your help I want to go back to my home. Linda started crying. Frankie slowly went out of the table. He feels she is amiable. She brushed his fear with her innocence. Frankie came to alien, don't cry, I will help you. Just tell me what can I do for you?

Linda replied with tears, I don't know I lost my antenna which is used send an emergency message to my planet. The antenna is the only way of source to send a message to my planet. She again started crying.

Frankie said ok stop crying do you know how to create antenna?. Linda replied yes I do. But I don't know about the signal transportation in the antenna. Frankie replied, I will help you with this. Linda stopped crying and replied thank you and asked could I have food. She is starving.

Frankie took a burger from the fridge and handed her. She said no, we only eat green foods on her planet. So Frankie and Linda went back to garden. There are plenty of vegetables in the garden. Linda started eating and she finished his dinner. The garden also almost finished. She looks tiny, but she ate half of vegetables in the garden. Frankie hurried her, come on, you need to leave here quickly. My parents will come back within a few hours from the market.

They both went back to the room. Frankie took the all the metals and tiny elements which he used to create a antenna. He showed that to Linda is that enough to create your antenna. Linda saw all the things and said yes.

They started making the antenna, and same time Frankie asked about her planet. Linda started saying about her planet, in her planet, there is no money in their planet, there is no fight in their planet, she said she had more friends there. She asked about him and the earth, he replied I didn't have any friends, my classmates make fun of me because of my specs and scientific ideas

She said don't worry. I am your friend. He feels good. Because no one said this before to him. They started talking more about scientific things. Frankie enjoyed the talk and they finished the antenna. But they don't know it will work or not. They try to send a signal, but it's failed. So they planned to send the signal from the roof. But Frankie parents went back from the market. Frankie mom called him for a dinner.

They bought a Frankie's favorite food from the restaurant. Frankie quickly went down and took a food, then went back to his room and said his mom, he is going to do his homework. Then Frankie and Linda went to the roof through his room window. Then took some guide and metal things to rebuild few elements in the antenna.

They tried for eight to nine times, but they failed. Linda started crying, I am not going back to the home. I am stacked here. Frankie conventioned her, he tried the antenna mechanism in J book. He tried to send the signal he succeeded. Linda become so happy, She said from my planet they will send a spaceship within few hours. And thanked him again. Linda said your specs looks good, you are brilliant. Don't stop doing your research you are welcome to our planet.

But Frankie said no I going to read all of these. I am insulted by so many. I have not even had one friend. She said, you are unique, don't think being different is bad. Don't run away from who you are. It may give some fun for a short time. But you will lose yourself after this.

Spaceship arrived quickly, the wind is blowing, she stepped into the spaceship. It happened within a minute. She waves her hand and said bye and she left small notes for him.

It says "don't run away from who you are" You are amazing person.


                  your best friend

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