priya kothandapani

Children Stories


priya kothandapani

Children Stories



7 mins


It was the second bell in the school the final exams are going in school for all the grades from one to tenth grade. Hansi and Tharun are siblings, both are studying in the same school. Tharun was writing his fifth-grade final exams, he is not more interested in sports than studies, as, like normal children, he also had a question, who invented the exams? But now Tharun writing his exams with pleasure, why, what’s the reason behind it? It’s a summer holiday. The sun already in the fire, the summer has started earlier this year. Summer holidays will become special when you celebrate them with your grandparents. Tharun’s family was living in the town, his family was running a supermarket in the middle of the busy town. The people love to buy the things from where all there in one place, so supermarket has its crowd all-day, so their parents are very busy with their business. So, it’s been almost two years since they went to their grandparents' house. Tharun grandparents are living in the village, the village is very beautiful at its sight. Tharun loves to visit their grandparents in the village because he had more cousins to play with him and it’s always awesome when you spend your summer in the village. It had more fun, more ice-creams, swimming in the well, playing with cousins, hearing stories from grandpa, Tharun loves it. This year Tharun mom promised him, she will take them to the village and they can spend the whole summer there. Tharun and Hansi already packed their things, they are very excited.

It was the last bell; exam time is over. Tharun took his bag and he’s quickly saying goodbye to his friends and running towards his sister. Hansi is waiting for his brother at the entrance of the school. Tharun took five minutes to reach the entrance, the family driver picked them in the school and within ten minutes it reached the house. Tharun and Hansi are very excited about tomorrow, they are going to their grandparents' house. Tharun was missed his cricket bat in his packing, so he is packing it now. Tharun mom asked them to finish his dinner and get back to bed early so that they can wake up early to travel to the village. Tharun and Hansi finished their dinner went to bed. They are talking about what are the things they are excited about in their grandparent's house. It was 11.30 PM, still, they are talking, finally, Hansi said good night to his brother. Tharun still awake thinks about the village and its beautiful nature, in the middle of the thought he slept away.

It’s 5.30 AM, Mom waked up Tharun and Hansi, so they brushed their teeth and took a path, and they are started their travel, Tharun dad is driving the car, Tharun opened the window and started seeing outside, he loves to watch outside while travelling, It took five hours to reach the village. Tharun and Hansi slept in the middle of the travel, but they waked up when they near to village. Grandparents are welcoming them warmly, grandma cooked their favourite meal for them, Tharun first tasted the meal before exploring anything in there. 


The sun shines very bright and hot, the sky was clear, the warm and hot wind is blooming, the giant bell in the entrance of the bell was ringing, it’s just 10.30 AM, but the sun is almost high its hot, the summer has started earlier this year. The little fingers are writing his final exams in school. He is a chubby boy, with black eyes, cute curly hair. He was Tharun, who is the only kid of Anusha and Ram, they both are

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working in the family business, most of the time they work and travel for client meetings. They are really spending less time with Tharun.

Most of the time Tharun will spend time on TV, video games and lonely. He loves to play outside games with friends but his parents don’t allow him. He spends his time mostly inside of the wall. He used to it. So, he doesn’t have any summer plan, just spending time on TV, video games and pool in his house, this is his plan. But his friends discuss their summer plan with each other. They said, they will spend their summer in the granny house and they will play with their cousins. Tharun also want to spend like that but his parents didn’t take him to his grandparents, even his parents not even visited them once in the past few years. They always run behind their business. They had luxury house, car and money to spend on anything but not even one family member to ask about their health. Ram and Anusha, both are workaholic persons.

Tharun finished his exams, he and his friends said goodbye to each other. Everyone was so happy, except Tharun, because everyone going to spend their time playing with neighbourhood friends and their cousins. But for Tharun, he will be alone with his video games. His parents also had their client meeting in the Mumbai for next few days, so they already informed him, they are leaving today for the meeting and they buy the new video game as a surprise for Tharun.

Anusha and ram left the home before Tharun went back home, they leave notes and gift for him, simple notes, happy holiday and the gift is a new video game. Tharun not even get any excitement, he changed his clothes and get refreshed, his cook made apple juice for him, he chipped the juice and he said I don’t need dinner, he took it to his room and turn on his Tv to watch the cartoon. He finished his drink in ten minutes and he fell asleep while watching the TV.

In the middle of the night, the manager waken up Tharun and he tells him about the accident, he started crying, manager consoled him and took him to hospital, Tharun doesn’t know what to do, and there is no personal friend or family is not with him in this difficult time. Ram and Anusha in the unconscious stage, when Tharun arrived at the hospital. Doctors asked the manager and Tharun to wait outside and said Ram will be conscious within the hour, he got only minor injuries, but Anusha situation is very difficult.

Tharun again started crying, manager consoled him and took him to the Ram room, Tharun sit in the visitor bed and looking at his father, after few minutes, he fell asleep in the bed. When Ram gets conscious, he sees his child sleeping in the bed alone and no one is there for him. Then only he realized, he doesn’t have family or friends, in the fast-running world he forgot to spend time with family.

Within a week, the ram get fully recovered, Anusha had minor injuries, but both are discharged from the hospital. First thing ram visited his parents with Anusha and Tharun, the parents get emotional when they see him in the village, few droplets rolled down from ram’s father, it’s been two years when he saw

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ram and he got shocked when he sees Anusha with injuries, panickily he enquired about the injuries, then ram explained everything about the accident.

Finally, Tharun granny hugged him and kissed him over the face, and grandpa took him and sat him in his lap and asked him about his studies. And he said ram, took Tharun here for all his vacations, Tharun also liked that. He feels very different and also happy, after these years he saw the world behind his home wall, he started playing with his cousins, he went to the farm, he went swimming in the pond with his cousins, he claimed the tree to pluck the fruits, played nonstop until night, had yummy food cooked by his granny, In the bedtime, his granny narrated the story before they go to sleep.

Ram saw how Tharun enjoying and he didn’t even see him like this while he gave the most costly gifts. Sometimes the people need our love and time to spend with them, not their money.

 “Money can’t buy, Family, Pure love and Time”

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