Swara Savani

Others Children


Swara Savani

Others Children

My Memorable Birthday

My Memorable Birthday

2 mins

I had the most memorable birthday ever.

It was a freezing Sunday in winter on my 9th birthday, and I woke up elatedly early in the morning just to see no one could remember my birthday! I assumed that they were playing a ludicrous prank on me, but when I tested it by splashing cold water all over the square, white, German marble tiles in the extra room…

I got a nasty earful. That is when I realized that my wish list couldn't be completed if my parents couldn't remember my 9th birthday. I was devastated as my wish list contained some of the best items and places to go on my birthday.

My wish list:

Going to Utopia

Getting Lego Friend sets

A birthday party in Utopia

The whole set of the Famous Five and The Secret Seven books to add to my collection

Last but not least: An Ipad.

Later after a luscious breakfast containing bacon, scrambled eggs, and tomatoes (my brother absolutely hates tomatoes), I felt better about the fact nobody wished me so I called my friends down to play table tennis until my parents called us on a surprise trip with my friends. When we arrived at Utopia, we opened our eyes ecstatically and found out we had reached Utopia where my terrific school friends and crummy brother were standing by a mammoth party room where we would have a thrilling party! Everyone wished me a happy birthday.

My family didn't forget my 9th birthday, but it was not what I expected.

You won't find another place like Utopia. It's even better than Legoland, believe me, or not!

I received everything I wanted on my wish list at dinner time.

My friends gave me a mountain of gifts which I planned to open at home.

We played games together until it was time for dinner (which happened to be in the buffet room ) and then ate it on a picnic blanket in the park while watching fireworks over the city look at nightfall. We had booked a Royal Room to spend the full moon night. My friends returned while we had the time of our life.

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