Shreya Inamdar

Tragedy Classics Inspirational


Shreya Inamdar

Tragedy Classics Inspirational

Pieces of Paper

Pieces of Paper

3 mins

It was raining heavily. A girl named Ashley suddenly remembered an incident that happened a week ago...... 


Ashley was sitting near the windowsill, moving her finger with the raindrops on the other side of the window, which were slowly moving down forming a water trail behind. The same way, tears were rolling down her cheeks as slowly as the raindrops. She remembered when she had a fight with her best friend. She suddenly heard the words which she said. “You are a complete liar! I don’t believe you at all. I don’t want to be friends with such a person!” Their friendship was broken because of her words. Soon, Ashley understood that it was not her best friend’s fault. Her name was Ella. Ella was a school teacher in a school. She was a very wise and fair person and was kind at heart. Ashley had misunderstood Ella for doing a wrong thing to her, and thought she was the culprit.

She didn’t even think before telling her those words. Ella was very heartbroken, but she knew that Ashley would soon realise. Ella loved Ashley with all her heart, so she always believed in her. Well, back to the story – Soon, the rain stopped. Ashley rushed to Ella’s house. It was very big. She rang the bell, and Ella answered. “Ella! I came here to talk to you.” Ella smiled, and let her in. “What is the matter?” “I actually wanted to tell you something. I am so sorry for what I said that day to you. I understand how you feel.” “Did you really mean what you said that day?” Ella asked with a confused face. “Uh.... I actually didn’t mean it. But I want you to forget all of it, because I really didn't know that you didn’t do anything.” Ella shook her head. “You know, I want to tell you something, too.” Ashley gave a questioned look. “I want to show you something. And I want you to come with me.” Ashley followed Ella to the balcony. It was really very beautiful. Ella handed a paper to Ashley. “Ashley, I want you to tear as small pieces of the paper as you can.” Ashley gave a confused look, but she did as she was told. “And now, throw these pieces out of the balcony.”

Ashley threw the pieces from the balcony, as they flittered in different directions with the wind. “Now what do I do?” Ashley asked. “Now, I want you to collect each and every piece of paper you threw out of the balcony.” Ella smiled. “But how? It is not possible to do that!” Ashley exclaimed. “I think you should at least try.” Ella said. Ashley went outside in the garden to find the pieces of paper. After a long time, Ashley returned. “What did you find?” Ella asked her. “I did not find any piece of paper,” Ashley said, panting. “Did you understand now?” Ella looked at Ashley. “Your words are just like the pieces of paper. If you throw them without even thinking, you will never get them all back. So, when you say something to me, you cannot take those words back from me. But since you are such a wonderful and best friend, I forgive you.” Ashley grinned from ear to ear. “I will always think twice before I speak.” They both laughed and hugged each other. 


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