Rathna Nagaraj



Rathna Nagaraj


Public Alert

Public Alert

2 mins


Only through media and other's experiences, I have known pickpocket incidents. Recently, I witnessed a heart-throbbing incident when I was travelling in BTS Bus in Bangalore. I changed my bus at K.R.circle to reach my office at south end circle. The bus was on its way when it stopped at Poornima theatre stop, the bus was not crowded with passengers. But neatly dressed four to five youths all of a sudden rushed at the front door crushing each other and were trying to enter the bus. I, who was sitting on the front side, besides the window, to my utter dismay with my bare eyes saw them neatly picking up the purse from the pocket of an aged gentleman who was also entering the bus in the same entrance.

Usually aged persons are allowed to enter the bus at the ladies' entrance. I screamed sir, your purse!. No sooner they heard my voice, they immediately got down in an annoying status, along with them even the purse owner got down sensing his pockets all round his body and ran behind them. I was peeping through the window and couldn't trace any thing but, after a few seconds even the purse owner returned back with no disturbance and an expressionless face. Seeing this I felt maybe what I saw was wrong ?. But on and on I peeped through the window those pick pockets behaved as if nothing happened and one of them questioned me " what ?" with a hand sign. I never uttered anything . The bus started moving.

Leaning back to my seat, I was evaluating the incident why did they crush each other? Then I realized it is because, the targeted person may not sense the picking. Then the bus driver seeing my confused state he drew my attention and said “see ma, maybe your not aware, they are regular at this time and at this stop, they are spread around this area, better don't go to their affairs, they may pass signals and may do any harm to you. Beware, that you are a lady, he thus advised me. I was really confused But, what to do with Public alert slogans? That had been advertised and poster posted? Should one not have the right to point out the wrongs in public.? Should one live in the shadow of fear for life? 

Note: This is based on my experience. 

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