Piyush Prakash



Piyush Prakash




9 mins

Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Kishan Singh in the village Fatehpur. He reside with his father, Amar Singh and wife, Gunjan Singh. Kishan and Gunjan`s marriage was a love marriage but it has been 10 years of marriage without kids. Kishan and Gunjan went to many temples in their state praying for a baby but their prayers went unanswered. Then, there comes one lucky day when Kishan heard the good news from Gunjan that he is soon going to be a father. When Amar heard the news from his son, Kishan, he distributed sweets in the whole village and went to the village temple praying for a Grandson. Kishan also wanted a son who can take forward his clan but Gunjan was a little worried as if she won`t able to give his husband a son then will he accept his daughter?

The day comes when Gunjan was going to find the answer, it was a baby girl. Amar and Kishan's happiness cut short after hearing the news. Gunjan was happy for the baby girl but was not able to express her happiness. Gunjan named her baby girl "Ramyani". Ramyani remained the only child of Kishan and Gunjan, still she hadn't received the love from her father and grandfather as a boy would have received in place of her. But her mother loved her a lot and promised her that she will do anything for her happiness. When Ramyani turned 5 years old, she told her mother that she wants to go to school like other kids, her mother understood her feelings and told her that she will ask her father first. Gunjan asked Kishan that whether he will allow Ramyani to go to school or not? Kishan replied that if Ramyani will study then when will she learn the household work. Gunjan tried to convince Kishan that she will make sure studies won't affect her learning. But Kishan refused and told her that he has to think about her marriage also, if she will learn all the household work soon, then they can think about her marriage till she turns 18. Gunjan insisted that she will teach Ramyani every household work every day but please allow her to go to school, after sometime Kishan agreed. Ramyani started her schooling, she became a topper student in her class.

After 14 years, when Ramyani completed her Higher Secondary schooling, she was the topper of her class. She insisted to her mother that she wanted to go to city for higher studies. Gunjan knew that Kishan will never allow her to go outside the village, but still she told her that she will try to convince her father. When Gunjan asked Kishan about this, he shouted on Gunjan and told her that "In his family, no girl is allowed to go outside the village for studies.If Ramyani would happen to be a boy then he wouldn't have had any disagreement on this". Ramyani heard his father's sentence. After sometime she asked her mother that "Why only boys have all the freedom?", her mother replied that "because boys mean everything to the family". Ramyani was sleepless the whole night thinking only that if she would happen to be a boy then there would have been no restrictions on her and she had received much more love from her whole family.     


Next day, Ramyani went to meet his childhood friend and classmate, Varun. She told everything to Varun. Varun was also disappointed that a bright student like Ramyani will end her studies like this. Varun told her that “This is the story of every girl in this village, they are not allowed to go outside for studies, even some girls are not allowed to go to School also. You are lucky that at least you have studied till 12th Class”. But Ramyani was not satisfied with his answer, she urged him to help her. She told him that “Please help me to become a son for my father then he will not disapprove my request.”

Varun decided to help Ramyani and take her to his elder brother Vijay who was a Doctor in the city and is a specialist in Sex Change Operations. Ramyani and Varun went to city to meet Vijay without informing at their homes. Vijay was delighted to see his younger brother come to meet him. After hearing their motive to visit him, Vijay first refused to help them and told them that he needs Ramyani's parents consent for the Operation. Varun urged his brother to help her otherwise Ramyani will never able to study any further. Ramyani also requested Vijay to help her and told him that she too wants to become a Doctor and serve the people and the nation. Finally, Vijay convinced but on one condition that she will never tell anyone about the doctor who performed the operation. The same condition was valid for Varun also. They both agreed and Vijay told them that he will perform the operation next morning. The next morning Vijay performed Ramyani's operation. After the operation, much too Ramyani's expectations she was looking like a boy and was happy that his father will now allow her for higher studies.

After getting discharged from Vijay's clinic, the next day they both returned back to village. Gunjan was very much worried after Ramyani's disappearance since last 2 days, she asked everyone in the village that whether they have seen Ramyani or not but couldn't find the answer. Gunjan decided to file a complaint in Police Station. When she was leaving for Police Station, she noticed that Ramyani was coming back home. Everyone in the village streets was making fun of Ramyani for her new looks. Gunjan was shocked to see Ramyani with a boyish look. Gunjan takes Ramyani inside the home and asked about her disappearance and her new look. Ramyani told her that she had undergone a Sex Change Operation and now she is like a boy and she believes that now his father will allow her to go to city for higher studies. Gunjan slapped Ramyani and told her in anger that “You fool ! What have you done to yourself? Now nobody in the society will accept you not even your father. Nobody will marry you. I have seen many dreams for your marriage and you have broken all my dreams”. Gunjan felt disheartened and started crying. Kishan returned home and seeing Gunjan crying, he asked for the reason. He noticed Ramyani's boyish look and asked Gunjan about the look. Gunjan told him everything that why Ramyani took the decision for this boyish look. Kishan enraged with anger tried to kill Ramyani but Gunjan came in between and requested Kishan to forgive her and not to kill her. Kishan told Gunjan “This girl has embarrassed me in front of the whole village and you are asking mercy for her. I disown her as my daughter. Tell her to go away from this village otherwise I will kill her”. Gunjan requested Ramyani to leave the village immediately otherwise it will be very difficult for her to save her every time. Ramyani's eyes filled with tears and her heart filled with sorrow. She left her home promising to herself that one day everyone will accept her even her father.

Ramyani went to meet Varun and told him everything that happened in her house. She again asked him for help and told him to take her to Vijay once again. Varun and Ramyani visit the city to meet Vijay. Ramyani told Vijay that she wants to become a Doctor and requested Vijay to guide her to become a Doctor. Vijay agreed to help her for becoming a Doctor and took a promise from Ramyani that she will do all the hard work that will be required. Ramyani promised him that she will study day and night and become a good Doctor like him. Varun wished Ramyani good luck for her new journey and left for the village the next day. Vijay provided his books to Ramyani for qualifying in the Entrance Test. Ramyani secured a good Rank in the Entrance Test and she also got a Scholarship for her Medical Studies in a Government Medical College. Vijay helped Ramyani financially also for her Medical Studies. Ramyani told Vijay that she will return all his money after becoming a Doctor.

After 5 Years, Ramyani successfully completed her studies and became a Cardiologist. She started her practice at Sahara Hospital in Lucknow. After practicing for 2 years, one day there comes a challenge for Ramyani. She was in a team of Doctors who are going to perform a Heart Surgery of the son of an MLA in the state. Since she was very good at her skills, Doctors have included her for this risky Operation. She was a little tensed before performing the Operation but she believed in her skills that she will do it successfully. After the successful operation, the MLA was very happy that the Doctors have saved his son's life. The MLA promised that he will recommend the names of all the Doctors who did this successful Operation for Awards. After 2 months, it is published in the local newspapers that the Doctors will receive Awards from the Chief Minister of the state including Ramyani. Ramyani was very happy after reading the news and hoped that the news must have reached her village too.

Gunjan and Kishan also heard the news from the village people. Gunjan wished to go and see Ramyani receiving the Award but Kishan refused to go. After receiving the Award, Ramyani went to her village. Everyone in the village congratulated Ramyani and welcomed her back in the village. Gunjan and Kishan received the news of Ramyani's arrival and they started to wait outside the house. After Ramyani arrived in her house, Gunjan kissed her forehead and hugged her. Ramyani went to Kishan and asked her “Will you now forgive me father? Kishan's eyes filled with tears, he cried and said “Today, I and this village are proud of you daughter. Today, I have got the son I was looking for all these years. Keep serving people and this nation and continue making us proud.” Kishan hugged Ramyani for the first time in his life. Ramyani finally received the love she was searching for from her father. The whole village celebrated Ramyani's arrival like a festival in the night. Varun also came in the night and congratulated Ramyani for her achievements. They all celebrated the whole night. Finally , Kishan and Gunjan get a son whose name is "Ramyani".


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