Meethi Gupta



Meethi Gupta


She Bleeds

She Bleeds

2 mins

A group of boys standing behind, started making fun of her, look at that tomato ketchup stain, she is flaunting-they shouted, unaware of what was happening. She rushed to the school's washroom, saw stains of blood on her skirt, blood flowing between her thighs, tears trickling down her cheeks, am I going to die?-She mumbled. Hiding the blood stain from everyone, she reached home. Started questioning her mother, one by one. Mother hugged her daughter, caressed her warmly and said-Never be ashamed of this blood stain, for this is what differentiates you, from the men out there.

This is the epitome of women's strength. This shows we need not compete with men for strength in society. We need not depend on them, we are strong enough to take care of ourselves. This society will make you feel ashamed, that you bleed. They will tell you not to enter temples, not to touch pickles, will put restrictions on you, will laugh at you, if they see your bloodstain. Will see you as a criminal, whenever you will go out to buy sanitary napkins. They will find it disgraceful, if you talk about periods publically. These things will make you feel so low.

But darling!

Remember one thing!

They can never understand the pain, when we are hardly able to sit. The first day takes all of us, the second day hurts so much, the third day we are hardly in a position to walk. From headache, stomach ache, backache, to the irritation we face.

For they can just see the bloodstain, but can never feel the pain. YES! We bleed and bear the pain. We bleed glitters. We bleed to keep the universe going. We bleed to create a new life. Never be ashamed of bleeding dark red blood. They will complain about your mood swings, but! Be proud that you bleed and then you can be yourself every month for five days.

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