Silence Is Beautiful

Silence Is Beautiful

3 mins

Slurping my morning dose of coffee sitting at the balcony, I was gazing about my school days. Wondering how time is fleeting and many years have gone by. But still one incident that happened during my 9th grade still stays evergreen at the back of my head. Which even now if I discuss with my husband, would just brush it aside stating -" I am a fool to believe anybody easily".

So, going down the memory lane, I was neither a class topper nor an average student. I would stand somewhere withing 5th rank among 30 students in a class. ( Which was OK for me ). Obviously you can expect a gang of 3 members as a close friends. Let's say S and D . So we three used to roam together, right from sitting together, going for breaks, P.T classes and almost everything.

About S, she like me was not a topper but she also stood somewhere within 10th rank. A tall, brown skinned girl, quiet and compatible. About D, bit plump, the average student in every gang you have heard, so she was that and she stays close to my place so obviously I have helped her much.

Like every student, who had their own choice of so called "strong and weak" subjects. I had mine too. For me was "Hindi" being a Malayali and living in Chennai, trying to study HINDI was quite difficult of me. It was my quarterly exams and little did I know that these S and D had a sly plan for me. Since lived close to my place S had used D to execute the plan while commuting from school to home.

D takes all my HINDI related class notes and textbook from my bag, when I was busy chit-chatting with my van group of friends. And what more you expect, I find no books that evening and somehow managed to pass the exam. But I do not know how, my mom told me do not worry but do not trust anyone too much.

Soon after a month, a serious fight broke between S and D. So D comes to me and tells I was the one who took your book, it was S's plan! Which left me shattered. That evening it was a big drama at my home. My mom advised me not to even ask S about it, just leave it she will paid off. You remain calm and careful.

I never asked S about it, and even stopped talking to her. She started to flop in studies, her grades were degrading. But she never had the guts to apologise too!

So after 2 or 3 years when we were about to leave school she had written letter to me about what she did and she was feeling for losing a good friend.

She had even mentioned that, what hurt her more was my silence. She was dying of guilt.

Those out there, if you are undergoing any problem or if you are being hurt by anyone just remain silent. It can help you think, tackle and travel a long way.

"There is a voice that does not use words - LISTEN and be SILENT"

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