G Satya Sahithi



G Satya Sahithi


The Boy With The Broken Brain

The Boy With The Broken Brain

2 mins

The young boy suffered a brain concussion after falling down from a chair leading to a crack in his skull...

After being discharged from the hospital, in the next few days, his parents started to notice some changes in his behaviour.

His parents later understood that the crack had resulted in the development of LEARNING DIFFICULTIES. He couldn't read or write the same way as his classmates, which impacted him a lot. One day he even heard his teachers calling him "The Boy with the Broken Brain". He felt very low and disabled... In the hope to improve, he started reading comics every night when his parents slept. He was very much interested in X-MEN not because they were powerful superheroes but cause them being the same as him, disabled in some way... what inspired him the most is that the X-MEN had converted those disabilities into power.

As he grew up school started becoming more stressful.

To overcome their weaknesses and be able to convert them into strengths, the person needs hope and motivation. Such hope and motivation came to him when he went on a trip with his friend and his friend's dad. One evening at a riverbank when his friend's father asked him a simple question that every teenager is asked... "So, How's School...?", that's it he broke down and started talking about how he felt about school, and how much his disability impacted him. After hearing all of it, the father gave the boy a sheet of paper and asked him to write down the goals he wanted to achieve in life. When he was about to fold and put the paper into his pocket, the father took it from him and read them to himself. After reading he looked up amazed, he said " You can achieve all these goals, u are this close to achieving them." [He was showing closeness using his index fingers ]

The young boy was very confused and somewhat angry, he retorted "Did you not hear anything I said? I can't read properly, and you tell me I am this close to achieving my goals. I can't do even 1 of them." The father chuckled and replied, "Everything you need for achieving these goals is right here." After saying this he placed his fingers on the sides of the boy's brain...

(This story is based on a real-life experience.)

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