sanjana sashikumar

Children Comedy Drama


sanjana sashikumar

Children Comedy Drama

The Bus Ride

The Bus Ride

1 min

The bus came to a halt to welcome the passengers from the bus stop and he got in and sat on a seat near the window. With the whistle's ear-splitting howl the bus began to move. Looking outside and admiring how the slight drizzle enhanced the beauty of the trees on the roadside, he mentally captured the scene. As he was busy enjoying the cool breeze on his face, he suddenly felt an excruciating pain in his chest. His head felt as though someone had dropped a thousand pounds on him. He couldn't move! he couldn't breathe! He felt the hot blood moving through his body as he gasped and suffered in pain. "My time has come, this is how it ends...", he thought. Luckily when the bus reached the next stop, the obese lady stood up from the seat. The crushed fly that flew away had a near-death experience that day.

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