Lokanath Rath

Action Classics Inspirational


Lokanath Rath

Action Classics Inspirational

The Creator Or Destroyer....

The Creator Or Destroyer....

7 mins

The Creator Or Destroyer…………

In the morning of early March, Sunil Kumar Das was sitting with his cup of tea, and his wife Aarati Das was sitting and looking at Sunil. Then Aarati with a naughty smile asked Sunil,’ ’what’s the matter? Why my All India Radio is silent? Sunil looked back to Aarati and told me now the radio is outdated, dear. So what can be broadcasted? Then Aarati could smell something serious had happened. She had never seen Sunil so serious and emotional. They had a long 20 years of married life and always she had seen her dear husband in a lively mood. She tried to make the moment a bit lighter and told,’’ for me my radio is the best.’’ Sunil could understand that his wife is trying to make it a lighter moment. He knows that his wife loves him unconditionally. Now he is around 50 years and Aarati is around 45 years, but they have a great bonding between them. Aarati is a doctor by profession and Sunil is a marketing professional and social activist. Actually, Sunil and Aarati had a love marriage with the consent of their parents. Their love story is very natural and full of lots of affection with respect for each other. They first met in the colony their parents were staying. Both of their parents were in government jobs and were staying in the government colony. Sunil was always very lively and knows the tricks to bring smiles to everybody’s face. During the Ganesh puja festival in the colony, he and Aarati met for the first time and Sunil’s this style attracted Aarati and slowly it was converted into love for each other. Aarati was a very good student and wanted to be a doctor and she got admitted to M B B S at Sambalpur. Sunil was too a good student, but very independent-minded and never wanted to have a slavery life. After completing his MBA he had started his corporate life as a marketing professional. From the student life, Sunil was involved in various social organizations and used to raise his voice for various social causes. He and Aarati got married as soon as Aarati finished her M B B S. Aarati had never complained to Sunil about his social activities, rather she was very supportive. Sunil always briefs Aarati on his entire day's work and Aarati to do the same with Sunil. Lovingly Aarati says Sunil her All India Radio as sometimes some of his talks remind Aarati of her missed job or activity. They have two lovely kids and both are pursuing their engineering in Bhubaneswar. Sunil and Aarati are staying in Cuttack.

Sunil looked at Aarati and with his lighter smile told Aarati,’’ No no nothing like that dear. You know me that I can’t stand any lie or illegal activity. Something like that happened to a person, which was never been expected by me. That had hurt me.’’ Now Aarati could understand that her husband is been very hurt and she has to bring him back to a normal situation. It was a Sunday and in hospital, till evening she has no work. So she thought of getting everything out from Sunil’s mind. She came close to Sunil and kept her cup on the table and taken Sunil’s cup from his hand and kept that on the table too. Now with her smile, she asked Sunil,’’ Please tell me what happened. Today is a holiday for me till evening. Pleas….e…’’

Then Sunil started leaning back ……….

You know I was associated with many social organizations, and also fought for different causes openly. Just five years back I met one of my old school mate, who was doing the practice of law and not serious about that and wanted to join me. You know him, his name is Sankar Pradhan. I know that he belongs to a very good family. His brothers were well settled in their life. His father was a great literary personality. His wife is a teacher. Though I was not aware of his life after we left school and college, I thought of taking him along with me. I had introduced him to two of our social organizations. First two years he was so sincere and hard-working that I was very much impressed and started giving him some responsibilities. I started developing my trust in him. I put him on our executive committee. Some of my old associates cautioned me about him as they had some information on him. But I thought maybe they are all zealous about him as he had been on the executive committee and doing a very good job too. Then just two years back there was the election in both those organizations and I had supported Sankar to get elected to the Treasurer post. He won both. I was just elected to the executive committee. As I can’t give more time decided not to be any office bearer. I was having trust in Sankar that he will take care of everything. Everybody even Sankar himself used to say me as a CREATOR. I never listen to this. I was just doing my duty as a citizen for the betterment of society. Things were going on the right track and we had taken up different cases and you know our fight for the safety of women had recently been appreciated by the honorable supreme court and the government was forced to take special action in forming a committee for the same. I was very happy that during that time Sankar had helped me very much. Then just at the beginning of this year we had started reviving the old schools and started involving many honest, respected educationists. I had given Sankar the responsibilities of coordinating between government departments and our committee. He was doing that and to our notice, it came that the expected works were been blocked somewhere. You know if the education will not be developed and if we can’t provide everybody with the right quality of education, then it will be very difficult to develop the society. We all were very much interested to bring the changes in the present infrastructure of the schools first. Then the next course of action will be planned on how to increase the quality of education. Some political persons and corrupt people didn’t want it to happen for their self-interest. They had tried to make this a flop through their influence and illegal means but failed. But you know Aarati just today morning I got the call from our Secretary that Sankar was under the trap of these people. He had taken this as an opportunity and get benefits for his wife ,now who became the Head Mistress of the school by superseding many in a illegal way. Even Sankar was been bribed by some to disclose our strategies. That’s the reason today evening they had called for an emergency meeting. The secretary had told me Sunil Bhai your Sankar is going to destroy our activities. This has really hurt me Aarati. I am thinking myself whether I am a Creator or a Destroyer?

I am just blaming myself for why I had brought this Sankar into this our organization? Why I had trusted him? Why I had given him scope to rise? Why I had not listened to others?

Then Aarati gave a smile and told me,’’ why are you to crush yourself? You are neither the Creator nor the destroyer. Sankar is the person who was the Creator of his image and the Destroyer of it with his activities. So cool down and take the right decision in your today’s meeting. Cheer up, my dear. I can’t see you in this mood.”

This has opened up the doors of Sunil’s disturbed mind. The thought of blaming himself got freed from his mind. He looked at Aarati and with a hug and a usual smile on his face told Aarati,’’ Thank you very much, my dear……’’

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