izma ali

Horror Tragedy Thriller


izma ali

Horror Tragedy Thriller

The Curtains (Chapter 3)

The Curtains (Chapter 3)

17 mins


Stepping inside the motel was the worst decision that Emma and her friends made. In previous chapters, you have read about the terrible incidents and disasters that these youngsters face and finally jotting their nerves to move ahead and complete the task they planned.

Chapter 3

"Why were you guys screaming", others hasted towards us, their breaths were jagged, drenched in sweat and their legs shivered. Edward hustled and zipped the bag so others won't get scared too, 

"We found something here, looks like a cellar to me", he said in infuriation, voice was so deterred but deep. They began to disrupt the chains, loud bangs slammed the quiet walls, we were halted near the tarnished old brown bookshelf, dusty photo frames were sited on the top right, picturizing the old golden era. I was still unable to rectify, was it my consciousness that I saw that girl in the mirror or just my mind playing a few dirty tricks on me. I felt tangled with a distinct intensity, the girl in the mirror was gawking her face, striding her hand towards me.

"Emma! The door is open let's go" Will bellowed by holding a broken chunk of the heavy metal door and wrapping the chains around his neck. The room was just like a chamber, it was hollow and dark, a scent of dust hassled the oxygen to breathe properly, only one small coping gave the cellar some light, enabling us to see giant Chinese traditional sculptures. Lighting up the ground we jumped in and steps were taken ahead. Sculptures were quite visible now, expensive crafting was being done, walls just reflect the old culture, a bit grey with a combination of white shade, nude colours were being used on the ceiling of acrylic tiles. As my roaming eyes were just admiring the ancient art, it fell over a piece of broken glass. I gently walked towards it, which was laid underneath the couch.

The creepy music of Twinkle Twinkle poem was coming from it.

My heart was beating like drums, hands were shaking. I kneeled down to check if it was impending beneath the couch. There was a bizarre smell of festering like the couch was soaked with blood. The smell was so vibrant as if the couch was washed with blood.

Flouting my instincts which were shouting don't look, I laid down my head on the floor, eyes were half-closed with terror, hair got widespread on the floor, holding a torch, I exposed myself to see the source of sound or it was another hallucination. My eyes got wide open, my hands were stiff, and I saw something. I paused, gasping loud, lips were stretched with fear. Someone was standing right there, just behind the couch. Her legs were completely scorched, tissues were wrapped around the knees, full of bruises, and blood was oozing, disrupting the floor.

"Why were you guys screaming", others hasted towards us, their breaths were jagged, drenched in sweat and their legs were shivering. Edward hustled and zipped the bag so others won't get scared too,

"We found something here, looks like a cellar to me", he said in infuriation, voice was so deterred but deep. They began to disrupt the chains, loud bangs slammed the quiet walls, we were halted near the tarnished old brown bookshelf, dusty photo frames were sited on the top right, picturizing the old golden era. I was still unable to rectify, was it my consciousness that I saw that girl in the mirror or just my mind playing a few dirty tricks on me. I felt tangled with a distinct intensity, the girl in the mirror was gawking her face, striding her hand towards me.

"Emma! The door is open let's go" Will bellowed by holding a broken chunk of the heavy metal door and wrapping the chains around his neck.

The room was just like a chamber, it was hollow and dark, a scent of dust hassled the oxygen to breathe properly, only one small coping gave the cellar some light, enabling us to see giant Chinese traditional sculptures.

Lighting up the ground we jumped in and steps were taken ahead.

Sculptures were quite visible now, expensive crafting was being done, walls just reflect the old culture, a bit grey with a combination of white shade, nude colours were being used on the ceiling of acrylic tiles. As my roaming eyes were just admiring the ancient art, it fell over a piece of broken glass. I gently walked towards it, which was laid underneath the couch. The creepy music of Twinkle Twinkle poem was coming from it. My heart was beating like drums, hands were shaking. I kneeled down to check if it was impending beneath the couch. There was a bizarre smell of festering like the couch was soaked with blood. The smell was so vibrant as if the couch was washed with blood. Flouting my instincts which were shouting don't look, I laid down my head on the floor, eyes were half-closed with terror, hair got widespread on the floor, holding a torch, I exposed myself to see the source of sound or it was another hallucination.

My eyes got wide open, my hands were stiff, I saw something. I paused, gasping loud, lips were stretched with fear. Someone was standing right there, just behind the couch. Her legs were completely scorched, tissues were wrapped around the knees, full of bruises, and blood was oozing, disrupting the floor.


Every mouth has the same word and same eccentric fear of losing him. Edward opened the door. A strange sound ricochet like the door is bolted for decades. We walked through the door, the moment was paused, our minds were tarried when we saw a catacomb, a subversive cemetery entailing human-skull made subterranean alleyways with recesses for tombs, used as a burial place, constructed by the ancient Romans. Gulping petrifyingly, we strolled inside. Foots were bit strangled, placing my hand on wall I push myself. The passage ended up to a slaughter room. Thousands of bodies carpeted the floor, smashed into pieces, cut down, slayed brutally. Large chopping machine was placed at right side of the room, cloaked with bodies, sharp pointed carnage tools were decorated on a brown shelf.

A massacre was being done there. Words flew away, mouth was gashed in disbelief, closing my hand tight that the blood finds the way out.

"WILL" May exclaimed, heavily panting as she breaths.

Will was hanged up on the wall, every bone of his body was broken, neck was twisted, knee cap was totally distorted, his hands were nailed, veins were drooping from the body. Elizabeth scrunches her face with pain, tears escaped the eye lids, squeezing herself harshly, she bended to weep out loud. Getting abnormally fragile and ashen, I was going to crumple down, clutching Jacob's fuzzy side of jacket "This is a curse", silver tears lined my eyes, worst nightmare came across me, heart was thrillingly throbbing and I ran back through the passage. Heels were ticking louder against the human skulls walls. I kicked the door open, ran across the hall way directly to exist point. Felt like someone was pushing me out, pain and fear not letting my legs to stop. Rioting agony dressed my body, all I wanted is to get out of that haunted place.

"Emma, Emma" sorely voices echoed the empty large hall, bouncing back to us.

"Stop, where are you going", Jacob grabbed my hand, shook me up and pulled me against his chest.

Flooding tears drenched his jacket.

"Will is dead. He doesn't deserve to end up like this" I kept on crying, enraged pain made me to scratch his hand, until I felt a cordial touch at the back of my head. The grip loosens up, pain scattered down as he shielded his muscular arms around me, uncertain care mirrored in those brown gleamed warm eyes. We were halted just a step away from main door, almost minded up to quit, but bad luck knocked the door again.

"Karen" Susi murmured turning around with a flashlight on her hand. 

"The exit door is stuck" me and Jacob cried with a heavy voice by implying our utmost potential force but the door was completely jammed.

"How can it be jammed," Simon shrieked with frustration.

"It was perfectly in order, this morning" Elizabeth replied anxiously, chewing her nails with fear.

Susi went near the passage to look for Karen. She felt very much afraid. As she moved in the dark she could see the burning light just inside the elevator.

"Karen, where are you?" she cried, questing her slow steps taken in direction to elevator. My tenuous mind somehow diverted to a faded scream of help, ears converging to focus on the words spoken.

"Why did you stop? keep on trying" Edward directed me in authoritative tone.

"Did you hear some..." Before I even complete my own sentence, I fiercely shouted,

"Where are Susi and Karen"

Souls were shaken up in fear of losing them too. In a blink of an eye, the motel was lightened up with our loud intense voices. Desperate minds are seeking their sight, wounded hearts praying direly for their lives. Number of floors somehow crushing our courage to find them, so we decided to split up again. Before walking inside the room, Clair noticed the frozen foot of Simon, leaned at the door step. He was horrifying gazing something in a darkroom.

"What's wrong? Clair asked him, jiggling his shoulder roughly.

"I just happened to see a shadow of two-headed miniature" he blabbered, blocked mouth tighten the words to describe his feeling. Clair turned around, her mutant eyes were widened to see on one.

"There is no one out there" Clair said slugging her fear inside, abruptly grabbing his hand and dragging him away from that room.

"Karen, Susi" I kept on calling out their names.

Our raging foots were moving randomly. I was in such a scurry, I kept on climbing those arty stairs, eyes were anxiously nodding to get one sight of girls. Foot comes to a standstill when my light went out, uncountable distance was spawned between me and Jacob. Huffing begins as I gently turned back, placing a hand on a wall, incessant blinking eyes routes the dark images to structure their home in mind. Taken two steps down, I had a man's vision. He was leaning against the elevator, eyes were flashing with fire, howling like a wolf. Fearing a deadly end, I threw my bag, bustled down the stairs, fright sealed my screams. Those wild hands chased me, getting closer by every passing second. I crashed onto the remorseless stairs as I saw him right in front of me, bending half down, stretching his legs like flamingo bird, humming the weird Twinkle Twinkle melody. Brain got frozen like an igloo surface, emotions were engulfing out, I was scrawling back by looking at his moving steps near me.

"He's not real" I whispered groggily, eye covers bolted down to gobble that scary image. His hand tenderly reached my neck, clutching my throat, rusty hand was squeezing me hard. I groaned with pain as he floated me up in the air, the grip got tighten and I flashed my memory of a beautiful life I had. He kept on yanking me against the wall. Foots lost the touch of surface as he floated me high and smacked me down the floor harshly. He snarled through his clenched dagger mouth. Jacob and Elizabeth reached library when he heard my awful shriek.

"Emma", the word bumped out casually as Jacob heard me screaming.

My gory ears heard him calling out my name, but muffled body and rousing pain elicit me to lay low. Sight was straight gazing the alleyway to watch him coming for me. The half-closed eye slits got fully shut as unconsciousness captured my mind.

Day turned to dark decoyed night, search of three young girls in a haunted entity scrunched the spirit of others.

Fiery wind spanking the windows, placid scrabbling of vague leaves against the surface was droning, chill breezes frosting their courage gradually.

"Everyone is gonna die tonight" Elizabeth said by inhaling a deep breath, running over the stairs looking for me.

"NO! I won't let that happen" Jacob said that with his burning eyes, clenching his fist with fury.

Fear shadowed the motel, scattering hopes dusted away the moment I vanished. Raging screams of my name drags me out to consciousness. I was laid flat on floor, hands felt paralyzed for a split second. There was a door right in front of the eye, it was an elevator. Heavy escape of breath blew the dust, winded me up and I coughed, scratching my throat badly till it felt raw. I was cloaked with a black striped leather jacket, hands were filled with blood, bruises ruined the beauty of my face. I got back up immediately, mouth was choked with grim emotions.

"Hey", I yelled, spank the door and moan for help was the only thing popped up in my mind.

"Is anyone out there"

"Help me"

"Jacob, Elizabeth"

"I'm here. Is anyone out there"

My movements ceased as I heard the sound of knocking. Right behind me was the golden laced mirror, ornamented by dim yellow bulbs, which were flickering obnoxiously. I slowly turned around and immediately repented, madden sound tempting my impatient eyes to sight the nuisance again. The face in the mirror was mine, but the girl was not certainly me. She was doused in blood, strained sneer make her look more repugnant. My gazing eyes locked from her daunting stare.

"Who are you", my hand reaches to touch the mirror, alarming mind was under control of some other presence.

Her alluring gape possessed my soul for about a semi second. My hands felt the touch of a moist breeze, and the elevator got filled with soggy air. Flicking hair cataract my eye lock with her, mind functioned again. She grabbed my wrist and callously pulled me near her. I can still feel the heat and intensity which thaw my arm's skin. Shrieking with fear, I pulled my self and bumped directly into the elevator door. Back head smacked badly, gravity forced me to fall down. Spitting blood from my bashed mouth I looked up to that psychopath, her dark smile never absconded from her plagued face. She started to write something on that humid mirror. 

She wrote the same poem "Twinkle Twinkle"

"Twinkle Twinkle little brat

How you wonder, What I'm at

If you want to save your life

Leave the Motel by this night"

My dappled brown eyes gawking the mirror, long lashes were soaked with tears, countless thoughts hassled the brain and terrified emotions captivated my soul, asks me to squeal louder as much as it burst my cord. My scream was overshadowed by her yowl, breaking the cords of elevator and crashing me right down in the basement, she disappeared. Simon's ear leapt up by the wailing sound and he yelled back.

"Emma, Is that you"

The cemented walls confined my voice to reach them. The door of elevator got erupted, I entered the smoggy room. It was hardly bigger than the elevator. My tapping foots were doodling images on the dusty floor, hands were wiping the tears before moving ahead. In the entering the room, my irked eyes saw a something on the floor obscured by black cloth. trembling hands reached to take it off, reminded myself to be ready and I pull it off. I pushed myself back when I saw Susi dead. My body flinched, nails scratched the floor while I crawled back.

I rushed near the door.

"Lemme out, please! HELP ME"

"I don't wanna die. HELLO"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, dim lights far in the elevator, went out.

She held my back and whispered the same tune. I heard footsteps outside, hands kept pounding on the door with full force in a fear of death. Her grunting voice was almost deafening. My heartbeat raced up when she almost pulled me, her eerie hands crushed my waist. Eyebrows furrowed in panic, all emotions got stiffen so do the body and I just held the lock tight to not get pulled by her. My eyes shrugged when I felt the knob moving, a hand grabbing my hand tight, his vigor arms hauled me out the room. I banged into him, we crashed down the floor. Frenzied state demolished my thoughts and I laid still on him. Head was rested on his left shoulder. I felt the warmth when he threw his hand around my neck gently. I leaned so closed to him that I could sense his peppermint mouthwash. Pulled my self away from him, stood there muddled

I froze. He was wearing Lacoste Eau De Blanc perfume his intense eyes were glaring me down to up behind the mask. I tilted my head to gaze those hazel brown eyes. Glanced his attire and dropped my sight directly to his off white denim jacket he was holding. He dressed completely white with few baggy chains, his hand was spinning that sharp pointed dagger.

I sighed when he asked "Are you ok?

The terror still plastered my mind to respond to anything.

This time he shook me "You ok, girl?"

He tried to judge my facial expressions, he stared deep, my face turned red, I closed my eye shields to bury the jumpy feelings. He clapped with a stagger close to ears to bring me back from pause mode. I spooked and nodded in response.

"Good! Let's Get going now" he smiled and led the way to theater.

I shook my head for yes. Glimpsing around his clean attire, I happened to ask him in qualm,

"Who are you?"

"How did you get here?"

"How come your clothes are still spotless?"

He stopped, turned his face, he gave me a stern look. He walked near to me. My steps were heading backwards; eyes were trolling to sneak out as I hit the wall back.

"I'm your well-wisher who came to save you. Just keep this in mind for now." He replied under his deep breath.

Reluctant feet began to follow him as there was no other way to go. In the midway of the passage, he saw a half-broken window high near the ceiling.

"Listen" knowing about the word next I replied "It's too high"

"You just climb up, get out of here and seek help", He replied hurriedly

"All by myself, in the middle of nowhere", I whispered, sweat gave me a new touch up and hands were unconsciously rubbing each other. He abruptly ran back and showed up with that crazy sound of wood scraping against the floor. He was lugging three wooden chairs from the room to the passageway. My eyes widened up when he asked me to climb up the chairs, leaning against the wall one on another, to slink out through the shattered window.

"Are you serious", my tone even softens down in shock. His smouldering look was a little annoying. I made my way to that mocked ladder.

"How come only I get a chance to get hurt again and again," I murmured to myself trying to reach the window.

"But wait, my friends are still inside", I uttered anxiously, my fret sight looking at him to say something.

"I'll find em", his eyes consoled my soul, devastating mind clutched full faith in his spoken words. Somehow my hands fiercely touched the cracked window, my head slanted down from the ceiling, and my right knee was placed on the slab of the windowpane. But I brawled to sneak out the window when something grabbed my leg, slamming me down to the floor again. Blood drops splashed on the cracked floor, blurred sight saw him standing still right next to me My vision drooped and I faded down. After a minute or two, my startled mind came into consciousness. I slowly got up, captivating eyes wandering around to absorb the scene. Loneliness again trapped me when I saw no one around. The masked man was gone.

"Hello", my loud pitch echoed in the dark passageway.

"Hey, unknown guy, where are you?" wondering where he could be now, I stepped forward.

Just then pounding steps horrified the quiet moment, winced eyes detected incoming danger, I lapsed to the floor in the dark behind the broken wooden chairs. After holding myself for 5 minutes, I got back up to see the source of the sound. Flinched legs moved ahead and eyes visualize the hanging bloody mallet throbbing against the wall as the strong gust of wind hits it. The passage ends at the musty black door with a brass plate and a stale nob. I burst inside through the door, strange smell of blood was mixed in air, light rays of early woke up bright sun entered the room though the skylight, shining up the room to see. It was a big old theater, worn tactile were scattered all over, hindering the movements, red theater recliners were bleakly chipped, like it was being hunted by the group of wolves. The dreadful smell made me to cover my face with a cloth.

"Is anyone here", eyes were darting around for the unknown guy.

"Where can he go?" my mind whispered to heart fretfully.

I kept on walking down the stairs, shivery was waving inside me, pumping the blood flow fast. I walked to the end, right next to the theater screen was a tore curtain, colored with the splashes of blood and dust heaps. Biting my lips, I wondered to glimpse behind the curtain. Eyes widened up as I stared the door labelled with


In a split second I pushed the door open, my first step out vibrated me upside down. It felt like an imprisoned bird laid free.

To know if she actually got escaped or not wait for the next chapter.....

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