sanchi chichreja



sanchi chichreja


The Hidden Truth

The Hidden Truth

3 mins

Tachi, a married woman lives in Mumbai for the last 35 years with her small family mother in law, husband & a cute little son. 

she is very ambitious in her life she wants to learn so many things keep update herself with generation. She enjoys work-life, house life & a motherhood life. She always gives her best to every role. she is very conscious minded. highly believe in Karma that's why she always gives her best.

2000 she got married. she was not aware of rituals & the force of relation at that time she was like a responsible girl of a mother, where she can manage & take a decision for welfare. she never knows this marriage change her life in a different way. After one month of her marriage, she got a slap from her husband for a small mistake. she was shocked highly educated girl self-dependent girl got fired out for a small mistake. then too she tried to manage things normally, she got pregnant it seems that might be she will be loved by everyone in her own house. She was working in MNC leaving home early at 7 am & reached back home by 8-9 pm. Initially, she faced so many problems during pregnancy.

Her mother in law & husband not ready to serve her anything to eat, even not concerned about how she is managing they just want money from her. As days passing by she was feeling hungry at lunchtime Due to pregnancy she was facing morning sickness & unable to cook for herself, she left her house without eating anything. A girl who is independent self-dependent is now watching people tiffin's to offer her lunch. 

when she was 5 months pregnant she got again two slaps from her husband for talking in front of relatives. it was expected of her to keep quiet and do home chores even after coming back from the office. No support from anyone she was alone and keep crying. 

We are living in a society where it is not allowed to give an answer to your husband even though he is insulting you in front of others. Her family Members tells her that a woman has to understand & only a woman has to adjust to a man. she gave birth to a handsome boy, but she scared that her son shall not do the same things with her girl for that she knows that she has to raise a responsible son. who understand the need of woman & respect woman. who shares all responsibility of husband help in earning & household chores.

she did it, now her son is of 20 years old a good person, gentleman, respecting women, keeping them first before himself.

She tells everyone that raise their son to understand the pain of a woman not only to enjoy his malehood.

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