Nishita .

Drama Inspirational


Nishita .

Drama Inspirational

The Protagonist - Prologue

The Protagonist - Prologue

1 min

Norma, the studious and introverted lonely girl, always wanted to become 'The Protagonist'. 

She had no true friends nor did she ever receive any love from her family. 

Norma always obeyed her parents and tried her parents to leave no room for complaints. Despite her efforts, she was never really loved by anyone.

So, to escape from the hellish world, she began reading comics, novels, or any story she found. 

They just helped her get into a new world without those problems and a life with 'love'.

This is the story, of how Norma, the lonely girl - turned into a happy girl, overcoming her problems, finding true friends, and learning to accept herself. 

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