The Verification

The Verification

4 mins

Authors note: Verification is a part of the admission process, where documents are verified manually as well as by software.

"Oh server down, you have to wait for a while mam, sorry for the inconvenience caused." Wtf I shouted to myself, in my thoughts. I smiled at the receptionist in a sarcastic way, but she was not in the mood of noticing. I sat on a chair, waiting for my turn. It wasn't for the first time. I was in a queue of around thousands of people, where I allotted no 523rd. Somehow I reached to the main verification desk at 2 o'clock, was waiting since 7 o'clock in the morning, and in between they took 2 tea breaks and one lunch break, and then the server goes down & this lady wearing a lipstick on the lips & nearly had taken shower in the perfume is just sorry for this. My mobile phone didn't have a network and I felt like I was in the jungle & had lost my networks from society, fighting with the creatures wearing human attire. I was just checking my phone pretending to be busy. A girl next to me seemed like enjoying the process, I was surprised. She was talking on a cellphone to her boyfriend, wtf how she got range here.

I surprisingly looked at her. Her romantic "sona, babu" made me more & more irritated. How can one be so romantic in such premises? "Aww, babu, I can smell the roses you gave to me on our first date". 

"What? I can possibly smell the sticky gums and the papers here" (Only people in the love could maybe) As I was sitting close to her so I could hear his voice not prominently but could guess what he is talking. He was replying "hmm, haha, ok", maybe he was also like me, bored with her talks. All my condolences to him, he must be a great man. I decided to turn on to someone else. I looked around. There was a boy (don't you dare to think a cute boy). A skinny, chashmis (wearing glasses), stupid boy, who was rejected several times due to having incomplete documents. The receptionist scolded him. But still, he was annoying her. But, yesss I was enjoying the things, thinking "Chalo koi to hai hamse Jada fool". But, unfortunately, it ended shortly.

Now the only thing I could do was to eat my nails and wait for the site to reopen. Then I paid attention to the ladies staff of college and they were gossiping about some other teacher. "That's it, this is what I like" I was imaging every detail, I could. " Miss Sushma, makeup ki Dukan" 

"That must be the receptionist" 

Teacher- "She had an affair with that Prasun sir" 

"Who" asked 2nd teacher 

"That lambu tang re, sits exactly in the same cabin in front of her desk"

"Oooh, so Sushma wears that much of makeup" I exclaimed to myself. Suddenly, someone passed between them and the conversation ended. I looked at the receptionist, with hope in my eyes. She sighed and said "nothing". Then, I gave her a look like, "Oo miss shusma, do your job properly otherwise I know your secrets" 

And, the music of her (girl next me) romantic talk was still ringing at the background. Finally, the fucking conversation ended.

"Phew", I looked at her she was also wearing a lot of makeup & perfume unlike me. I was looking horrible, my hairs were struggling to get out of my hairpins, & my face was merely washed with sweat and oil a with kajal spread all over my face, it gave me the"Manjolica look"

I tried to look better, which was quite useless. I approached her awkwardly. 


"Hey". Awkward silence.

"How do you get network here? " finally I asked. "Hmmm, don't know, my cell phone is also showing poor signs yarr". 

"Oooo smart boy, that's why her bf was saying just " hmm, & ok" "poor her". 

Finally, the site reopened. And Miss Sushma, without disturbing her lipstick, announced, "Miss, Vedashri, please".


 I went to the desk and she asked for my documents, I handed her my documents. She checked it & turned her head towards me & and said, "it's already verified before the server went down."







******** ( you can guess these words only when you will go through this situation)

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