Tree Is Also A Home

Tree Is Also A Home

3 mins

A group of Lumberjacks, wood cutters were looking for timber in a deep forest. Lumberjacks live a migratory life moving from one place to another in search of timber. As it was getting dark, Sanjay, team leader of the group was on his way back to camp. He noticed a huge tree on his way and planned to cut the tree next day. While walking towards camp, he was happy as tree would fetch him a lump sum amount.

The sky was completely covered with dark clouds. He started running to reach his tent before it starts raining. As soon as he entered tent, his six-year-old daughter, Khushi tried to rush towards him. He was very happy and started playing with his daughter.

His wife was busy cooking. Suddenly strong wind started blowing and Khushi was scared, started crying. Sanjay tried to divert her attention by signing rhymes. But she was looking very scared. She looked at her father and asked him if they were in trouble. He replied that, tent is their home and they have built tent strong enough to protect them from strong winds. She was ok with his explanation and started playing.

As soon as strong wind stopped, it started raining heavily. Khushi was scared again. Her father noticed this and said to her that, she need not be worried about wind, rain, thunder, cold or sun as the tent is their home and they have built the tent to protect them.

After supper at night, Khushi requested her father to take them with him to work. Sanjay promised her that he would take her along with him to see the beautiful forest.

Next day morning Sanjay along with his wife and daughter started walking towards the forest. His group was singing folk songs as they were moving inside the deep forest. It was a sunny day and after continuously walking for two hours they reach the huge big tree. As soon as they saw the tree, everyone was happy to find a big shade under the tree. Everyone quickly settled under the shade and were relaxing. Khushi was busy watching squirrels and monkeys running up and down on the branches. And was enjoying hearing to so many different birds sinning on the tree.

After relaxing for a while, the team was getting ready to start their job. As soon as they removed wood cutters to start cutting the tree. Khushi started crying and rushed to her father. Sanjay was shocked to see her crying. He asked Khushi, why she was crying and what went wrong. She replied that the tree is home to squirrels, monkeys and lot of birds. And started requesting not to cut the huge tree. Sanjay was unable to overlook his little daughter`s wish and decided not to cut the huge tree. Khushi went home happily along with her parents.

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