Charvi Tyagi

Horror Tragedy Thriller


Charvi Tyagi

Horror Tragedy Thriller

Voyage: A Story of Paranormal Pirate

Voyage: A Story of Paranormal Pirate

5 mins

Chapter 1: The Beginning 

That old ship was not beautifying the scenery, rather it was eroding it. A giant wooden crate with scruffy looks, though it talked high with the sky, it couldn't compete with the bewitching antagonist., that was as bulky as it was but with a little sprinkling of coy. Made a poem in a story! There's much more ahead. 

Fighting for survival was the soul motto of the darkest pirate in history. Swords rising in defense without considering the pinpointed toe he got through consumerist operations. One of his eyes covered with black stripe personifying the hidden secrets he was carrying. The other one not showing a pinch of pity, saw numerous deaths. It was a hectic day because everyone was searching for a reason to live. Some remember Jesus at a time when it was totally illogical to think about non-violence. This was not a war, it was a risk to gain the power of brightness that held its breath for them to arrive back. But it didn't seem he was concerned about risk or power. Yes! The dangers that knocked at everyone's door was now fighting terrifically for his endurance. He wasn't scared of the enemies. But the girl that was clutched within the barrel of skeleton in the cupboard. It's a long story.. starting from the days when this pirate was also one among the Emperor of Terror. But now this title is far away from his reach.. running back from the danger that was soon going to unfold its wings. Ranging from servants to serpents within the crew, all were waiting to die, either in the hands of troops or spook. 

"Daddy, save me, I'm drenching into his hands" shouted the little Robert who found it almost impossible to get himself out of the vicious circle that awaited his reply. His father was a bravely coward man, who, in the wake of a contract sold his son to the black beast. He cried, suppressed his anger and shouted to save but there was no one to carry this pretty soul in heaven, rather than where he was headed, deadly hell. This contract too has a long chronicle.. 

Mr. Robert was the wealthiest pirate in the whole blue-covered land. His wife, Sarah was a great jeweler, mastering in testing the finest gems. This was a perfect match but one thing which was more than exquisite was their son, Aram. He was a sweet little boy. Medium height, bright eyes and swift hair were his unique features. He never resembled them in traits. He was a friendly, loving toddler aiming to do something different than piracy in this blue shredded world. But his parents were keen on to see their child, using his hands not for service but for bravery. His elder sister, Margus was too in the favor of perusing a line different from rivalries. Both of them were unique in their own sense. Their parents could've never understood. 

One dark night, when stars distanced themselves from sky, waves were alarming the arrival of opponents in league. Moon had hidden itself behind the clouds. Loud thuds of beats as if a musical night with DJ having full noises surround. A drop of beat and first half of their life was in danger. A gigantic wave of silence hit the ship. A round ball with the perspective of making the family's life dark as a devil blasted which lead to ship losing its precious appearance. The very next second was accompanied by entry of pirates like guests. They had bought a gift of death for the family. It was a peaceful invasion, having dire deeds camouflaged inside the clothes they covered. 

One of the looter adopted the tranquil murder technique. Putting 2 of his fingers at the sideways of the person's neck, he smashed it with his pinned finger. Such intelligent expiry methods were undertaken to cover the face of purity. Bodies thrown in the chilled water, their bodies were now being carried away to heaven or maybe hell, who knows who had committed what sins! 

The main door opened with a creepy sound, eeeeerrrrrrkkkkk.. and there they were, standing holding each other's hand and making a shield for their protection. "Who can save a moron from the test that stands on front of it" leader mocked. Their was a stiff reply in form of surrender "I can't stop you right now because you won, that's true and no one can beat that" Robert replied. Margus and Aram were both shocked at this statement. They knew their father could die due to disease but never due to disrespect. Margus spoke out "I don't know why father said that, but I assure you that you would not be spared if you tried to come near any of us" and Aram who couldn't hold back either shouted "You fools don't know what you are doing, come near and we'll show you what we are. This teen rebellion couldn't be bared for longer. 

But before they could revolt, they were blind. Their eyes were covered with pepper, they cried for water. "What fools! They were surrounded by water and still wanted more of it. This implies that you should value resources even if they are present in abundance" this short lesson ended when the family was running for their life.. the boat that was kept as an alternative. But they could never enjoy that ride. The blade on the neck, life in hand, and no more running classes because they were now surrounded by double the enemy population. Robert without any hesitation spoke out "Please leave me and my wife, we would never ever come near you. You've conquered all the golds and silvers, but the plates of platinum are left. You take my children and leave us alone" "See whose talking, cut this bullshit, what would I get if I take them away?" he inquired.

Apart from replies, there were noticeable things, laughing in the arms of their mother. Margus cried out "There is no use of being children if you can't be of your parent's help, today we did that. I'm proud of my brother and myself.. Well Done!!" Aram couldn't say anything because of the shock he had. "That's a great idea indeed!" the pirate responded. He captured both of them, took them in the live boat.. and from then on their journey towards the devil's house began...

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