What Worse Would Happen

What Worse Would Happen

1 min

Let's start from the beginning, probably the first word I heard was “NO”, Because I am an unplanned child (laugh out loud).

So if my birth was unplanned, then how can I plan my future.

First lesson in my life I learned was in 3rd class, when I said to my friend that I have not done my home work , he said kya ho jayega hadh se hadh - “what worse would happen". That changed my life. It actually worked for me. Whenever I had not done my work I always said “what worse would happen “and answer is nothing.

Actually I misuse the statement, and the result I got in standard 6th, I failed in all subjects. And my parent decided to shift me in to Govt, School. I just demanded for one chance to prove myself, then after that I actually used the statement whenever I wanted to play. I asked to myself “what worse would happen if I do not play", and to many things and after that I became a bright student.

Whenever you have a problem, just properly ask your mind “What worse would happen". It helps you to plan, to set priority, to choose. Because our mind knows everything . But we do not ask.

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