Dr. Ushavati Shetty



Dr. Ushavati Shetty


Women - Emblem Of Powerdom!!

Women - Emblem Of Powerdom!!

3 mins

One evening, President Obama and his wife Michelle decide to go out for a casual dinner in a modest restaurant. Once seated, the restaurant owner asks the President’s security team if he could speak to the First Lady in private. The presidential couple agrees and Michelle talks to the owner. When his wife returns, President Obama asks what the conversation was about. She explains that he is a former boyfriend with whom she had a relationship as a teenager. President Obama says, “If you had married him, you would be running this charming little restaurant”, to which Michelle replies, “No, if I had married him, he would be President of the United States!” 

Although apocryphal, the story is a pertinent illustration of how women can exert their influence from behind the scenes, and tends to confirm the popular adage “behind every successful man there stands a woman !!

In a recent study it was reported that firms that have no women on their senior management team are 15% less profitable that those in which women make up 30% of executives, while this lack of gender diversity emerges as the principal factor affecting business performance. Women’s participation in decision-making is highly beneficial and their role in designing and applying public policies has a positive impact on people’s lives.

Until very recently, wives lived in the shadow of their husbands. Women’s work is invisible, in other words not statutorily recognized and uncompensated, officially considered as “non-work”, whether at home or in the family business. Domestic work undertaken by women (preparation of meals, taking care of the house and laundry, education and child care, helping older members of the family, financial and administrative household management and so on) is either barely acknowledged, or not at all. This domestic work is unpaid. Yet the more they invest in the home, the more they reduce expenditure.

When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential. contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise happier and healthier children. They are also able to help fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.

If women is not empowered then they cannot educate or empower their child properly because most of the time mother grow the children so to grow the world of next-generation it’s mandatory to empower the children from childhood to give right direction if mothers aren’t empowered then they can’t empower the children’s which can affect the economy of the world in longer way. 

There is one famous quote of Malala Yousafzai “ We cannot all succeed if half of this are held back”

If we want to see rapid growth in the economics of the world then we will have to start empowering the women and to make them working women, government and NGO’s are doing their duty still we can also help to increase empowerment by we can start empowering women right from our own homes.

There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.

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