Nayba Khan



Nayba Khan


You Can Always Edit A Bad Page

You Can Always Edit A Bad Page

4 mins

Life teaches us many things good or bad. No one is born with utmost perfection. It is us

and only us who are sole responsible for what we mould our self into and how we wish to see

our self. Each one of us have that spark in us which can completely transform us.

‘You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page’ is a perfect line to depict how

we all instead of working on our mistakes start with completely new things and then again

lose our way in the middle. Every day a person can’t expect to do all things perfectly without

failure. If a person does not experience failure he or she won’t ever try to look back what

mistakes they have made in the past and some or the other day that mistake would cause

them great pains. Our body is controlled by our BRAIN which is completely filled with

thoughts every now and then.

In my opinion we should stick to

one thing and start on that and it can’t be that in first

attempt we will come out with a perfect thing. We will surely do many mistakes and instead

of getting demotivated by these mistakes and running away from them by making a decision

that we should leave this and start with is fresh thing is far more difficult. But we all don’t

understand this we thing we will pick a blank page , throw away the bad page and our

problem will be solved. No this won’t ever happen because life does not go around like this.

If we decide to pick the same bad page which is full of mistakes and start rectifying it will not

only help us in overcoming our mistakes but also we won’t be making that mistakes in future.

We should try to edit that bad page only till the time it does not become perfect in our

opinion and we don’t get satisfied. The same bad page will one day be far better than what

you actually expected. But picking up a blank page starting with a fresh thought again will

take you back to the same place from where you started and you will continue to be there

forever. Once you decide to edit the bad page it will take you miles away from were you


Once there was a boy who use to live with his grandfather. The young boy always wanted to

be an author. He loved reading books writing essay and everything which could help him in

become an author. His mind was always filled with thoughts which would not let him sleep

and one late night he decided to work on one of the thoughts in his mind. Months and years

passed but the boy could not write even a single piece which he could say was a masterpiece

in his eyes. His grandfather use to watch him and one day he called the boy who was

completely frustrated and was slowly losing his interest of becoming an author. His

grandfather questioned him that on how many different topics you tried to write. He said

that grandfather I have tried writing on fifteen different topics and I couldn’t succeed even in

a single topic. His grandfather said that my dear child did you ever try to correct your

mistakes on the same page which you thing was full of errors. t

The child said no grandfather because it is easy to start writing on a new and a fresh page than to correct errors. His

grandfather politely said that my son thing that seem to be easy are not always easy. The

child asked his grandfather that what he actually meant. The grandfather said that if you

will always start with beginning you won’t ever reach the ending. You should once try to

read your own article again and again till the time you don’t thing it is perfect. If you will

start on a blank page every time you will stop from where you had come back. The boy

understood his mistake and ran back to his room and picked up his first article which he

wrote. He then started working on the errors and after two months he came running to his

grandfather and hugged him tightly and thanked him for showing him the right path. He

said grandfather look at this article of mine it is so beautiful and for the first time he could

say what a wonderful article he had written.

After twelve years of work me was given the award for best selling books and his books were

loved by all. He always said that his grandfather was the real hero behind his success and

without him he won’t ever be here taking this award. He ended with saying friends “You

can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.”

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