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Destiny Shankar

Comedy Drama Classics


Destiny Shankar

Comedy Drama Classics

The 'Shorts' Culture!

The 'Shorts' Culture!

1 min

Oh my it's the 21st century

With a view of maintaining a public ' personal life '

Oh you got it right

My insta story! 

What is valuable to this gen-next? 

Does this question often leave you perplexed?! 

Mastering brevity, living life in short. 

Oh YouTube shorts

Or short crisp insta bio

Or your life history on resume, compressed to fit in a single page 

Cause obviously, recruiter's time is under heavy bondage

Even the IAS exam demands answer within limits of space & time

Demand unmet ;

Congratulations, you just got a life long reason to whine. 

5 minutes of internet fame

5 shortcuts to win that game

5 days for that instant glow

5 second of motivational lecture to get in the flow.... 

It's just a short glimpse of the "shorts culture", I am narrating about ! 

But what about the depth our human race once used to talk about? 

The old philosophy, don't be a shallow person

Go to the depth of the matter/person

If you want to experience reality

Don't go by surface value

Never judge a book by its cover

But the prelude to a book, the insta bio, the crisp resume is actually what defines us today

If you can sound cool with a few heavy words (even if its meaning is left to your perception) 

It's great! 

Take too much time, to elaborate on points

The audience says what nonsense?! 

Whether T. V debates or election manifesto

Interview answers or appearance on a photo

Our evolution to shorts culture has been real quick in a 'short time'

Believable yet unbelievable; Now everyone is short on time, despite the laurels of technology and medical science!!

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