Anshuman Tripathy

Drama Inspirational Children


Anshuman Tripathy

Drama Inspirational Children

A Journey Towards Identity

A Journey Towards Identity

14 mins

The ultimate aspect of every human's life is to achieve self-respect for oneself by doing something which gets recognition and imprints your name in the world book of successful people. My story deals with two such persons who fought with the odds of life to achieve self-respect for themselves. Let me introduce all the keen readers to the two protagonists of my story.

The first one being Sharmistha Shrivastav, a widow of age forty-five. She is a single mother to Sarab Shrivastav, her only son who is the owner of a renowned clothes designing company of the city. Sharmistha had taken infinite pains to nurture her son so that he earns a name in society. Sarab's father had died when he was just eight years old.

The second protagonist is Kaynaat who is a sober young girl of age twenty-two. Abandoned, the very day she saw the earth, by her own parents for being a girl child, she was picked up by Dr Nikhil Agnihotri, a doctor from a family of Hindu priests, from a park bench where she was crying. Though Nikhil loved Kaynaat  like her own daughter, his family members including his wife Rati as well as his old parents didn't accept her for her being an Islam. Nikhil's own daughter Aastha hated Kaynaat because she thought her father loved Kaynaat more than her.

The story heads to its plot with the grand wedding ceremony of Sarab. Sharmistha was the happiest person that day. She had herself made all arrangements for the ceremony including the decorations. All the affordable decorators denied coming for the marriage ceremony owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. She even had great skills in cloth designing so she had taken the uphill task of designing the clothes of the near relatives. Though very skilful she had concealed her skills behind the household works and her duty towards her only son. Sarab had learnt cloth designing from his mother only. Sarab's to be wife Paridhi who was an employee at Sarab's company was happy marrying Sarab for two reasons, first being that she would get early promotions and second that she would manipulate Sharmistha to do all the household works so that she can focus on her job. The marriage was held successfully Infront of the sacred fire. Sharmistha welcomed her daughter-in-law in a grand way to her in-laws' house. She told, 'I will never be like a mother-in-law rather, I will love you like a mother.' Paridhi was very happy but for her own reasons.

The next day, on Paridhi's first day in in-laws' kitchen, she and Sharmistha both were in the kitchen. Sharmistha told 'Pari, I feel you added a lot of sugar to the tea, beta. Add some water or milk to it so that it will be adjusted'. Paridhi didn't like Sharmistha instructing her for her work. She replied 'Mother, I very well know how much amount of sugar and milk to be given for the tea that Sarab likes. You better leave the kitchen and do other works like sweeping the floor. It will be a great help to me. You see my office timing is 8 o'clock and it's already 7 o'clock.' Sharmistha left the kitchen and said, 'I trust you would manage the kitchen works better. Don't panic if also the works don't get over, I will manage it. You go to your office on time.' Paridhi thought, 'How dare she instructs me on these household works! Only there is a difficulty in arranging maids in the metro city like Delhi or else I would have thrown this woman out of the house the very next moment I entered the house. I will soon show her, her real position in this house.'

That night when Sarab came back from office, he saw Paridhi weeping. He asked 'why are you crying, Pari?' Paridhi shedding her crocodile tears told, 'your, mother scolded me badly for just a tea. She doesn't like me at all.' Saying this she made her crying drama more intense. Sarab hugged her and said, 'I will talk to Maa tomorrow morning. You don't cry, Pari. You don't look good crying.'

The next morning at 7 o'clock, Sarab came to the main hall of the house and shouted 'Maa, are you still asleep?' Sharmistha hearing her son shouting came to the hall and asked 'why are you shouting in the morning? I am awake from 5 o'clock.' Sarab said, 'how can you scold Pari for household works? She is a working lady and you are a mere housemaker. Now I am married Maa, if you want to live in this house, then you have to follow the rules of my wife now.' Sharmistha was shocked and told, 'I never scolded your wife for household works. Even if she doesn't do any, I will manage all the household works as I did earlier. I want her to completely focus on her job. For God's sake don't hurt my emotions by blaming me for forcing your wife to do household works.' 'Are you a very famous personality that your emotions are hurt by these small things? You have no identity apart from being my mother so you are bound to fulfil your motherly duties towards me and my wife. Don't show your bossism in this house. if you want to leave my house you are free enough to leave. Dad did a good thing by naming his whole property and house on my name because he knew a talentless person like you would not be able to handle those,' exclaimed Sarab with anger.

Listening such words from her son for whose sake she had devoted her last twenty years, tears rolled down Sharmistha's eyes. She told firmly, 'I am a human being moreover a mother. This is my identity. You don't have any rights to judge my talents. I am first for myself then for you so if you think that I am bound to do your duties even by hurting my own self-esteem, then you are wrong. I will leave your house now only, for sake of getting an identity so that I can earn self-respect for myself in your eyes.' She packed her bags. Before she could herself carry her bags, Sarab threw the bags outside the house. Sharmistha left the house by blessing her son and daughter-in-law in the heart. After she left, Paridhi screamed with anger 'What you did? Now, who would do the household works tomorrow, how to manage to get a maid so quickly?' Sarab told that he will very soon arrange a maid and asked her not to worry.

An insight into Dr Nikhil's family:

Everyone was seated to have dinner. Rati was busy serving food to everyone. Kaynaat was sitting at a corner of the house on the ground whereas other members of the family sat on the dining chairs. Kaynaat asked, 'Can I get some extra rice Ammi (referring to Rati)?' Rati glared at her and told, 'You girl don't call me with that word for the reason that I am not your mother and moreover you have blackened the auspiciousness of our family by using that Muslim word. Anything you want, you can take it yourself but remember to not touch the utensils in which food is kept for the other members. You take it from the utensil of food kept at the extreme left corner of the kitchen away from our sacred gas stove.' Kaynaat helped herself to take some more rice following all the instructions Rati had given to her.

Nikhil's mother who was sitting on a dining chair exclaimed, 'These days the number of orphans in the country is increasing day by day. What to say about the country when one is sitting in our house enjoying food on our money.' Hearing this Kaynaat left the food and sobbing, she went to her room. Seeing this Nikhil angrily pushed his full plate and told, 'I am also done with my food.' Saying this he went to Kaynaat's room to console her. He kept her sad face on his shoulders and told, 'You are my strong girl, don't cry Kay'. Weeping Kaynaat asked, 'Abba, do you also have a problem with me calling you this?' Nikhil replied, 'No my child, you can call me by any name. Now come to have food.' Kaynaat sighed no and asked Nikhil to go and have food. Nikil said, 'If Kay won't eat then, Abba won't eat either.' Ultimately both of them went back to the dining hall to have their food.

After food Aastha and Kaynaat went to their bedroom as both of them shared a common bedroom. Reaching there Aastha told, 'Kaynaat, you don't feel ashamed of eating on my father's money, You shameless girl. If you think that you will be supported always, then let me tell you the truth. You are not a great personality that you will be freely allowed to enjoy on hard work of some other person. Soon father will also start hating you and you will become a burden on everyone. You have no identity of yourself. Moreover, you are an outsider. I don't want to share my bed with you but I have to follow the instructions of my father.' These words were like iron nails for Kaynaat which pierced her heart. She knew that Aastha was not completely wrong.

Kaynaat took a firm decision by night and packed her bags by morning. She left the house when everyone was fast asleep at 6 o'clock in the morning. When Nikhil woke up at 7 o'clock, he went to check his daughters' room. He found Aastha sleeping firmly and snoring loudly but he couldn't find Kaynaat. He searched for Kaynaat everywhere in house by calling her at the loudest of his voice. The other family members woke up by this sound. Nikhil asked everyone if they had seen Kaynaat, everyone nodded in negative and Aastha told that she had seen her last time when they were going to the bed the last night. Nikhil concluded that Kaynaat had left the house when he found the main gate of the house slightly open. He was extremely sad. Other family members including Nikhil's parents and Aastha were happy getting the news. Rati though was worried but didn't show up. Nikhil was just going to the police station to give a complaint of Kaynaat missing but the voice of his parents from back stopped him. His parents exclaimed, ' If that girl is going to return to the house then we both will leave the house forever'. Listening to this Nikhil didn't go to the police station. Rati told, 'she is twenty-two, she very well knows how to manage herself.'

Both Sharmistha and Kaynaat had set out of their houses to discover their own identities and to earn self-respect. Sharmistha decided to search for a job on the basis of her skills of cloth designing. She faced rejections and people's harsh comments everywhere. Some people showed disbelief on her skills looking at her traditional getup while some told that they don't appoint aged aunties in their company. Disheartened and tired of roaming here and there in search of a job, Sharmistha finally found a large peepal tree under the shade of which she decided to take momentary rest. Sitting by her side was a seemingly young girl. It was none other than Kaynaat. Looking at Sharmistha she told, 'You look so tired aunt, have some water.' Telling this she handed over her water bottle to Sharmistha. Sharmistha thanked and blessed her. She asked, 'You look so young beta, where are your parents or have you come here alone?' Kaynaat started crying her heart out. Seeing this Sharmistha out of shock said, 'Sorry beta, I didn't want to hurt your sentiments. Now please don't cry.' Kaynaat asked Sharmistha to not be sorry. She narrated her story to Sharmistha with continuous sobbing. Sharmistha after listening to her consoled her by hugging. She even became emotional learning about Kaynaat's ordeal. She also narrated her own story to the sad young girl sitting beside her.

Sharmistha said, 'Kaynaat, please return back to your house. Don't become angry if your parents or elders scold you. They have the rights to show you the right path. I am myself a mother so I know how tensed your parents must be searching for you everywhere.' Kaynaat told, 'I am not and can never be angry on the family which brought me up since my childhood when my own parents abandoned me. I just want to create an identity for myself, so I left the house.' Sharmistha said, 'you are just twenty-two but hats off to the maturity you exhibit.' They started discussing their hobbies and skills to which Sharmistha found that both had cloth designing as a common skill. A great idea struck her mind. She asked Kaynaat, 'Would you mind to accept me as a partner if we both start a small locality-based cloth designing company?' Kaynaat was extremely joyful listening to the wonderful idea. She said, 'I have no problems to work with you, Aunt. But Aunt you are a Hindu and I belong to Islam; won't your religion be strained by working with me?' Sharmistha replied, 'My child, human Dharma is above all religions. A single God made all of us and it is the humans who made all the distinction on the basis of religion. I would be really obliged to work with a skilful, open-hearted and a mature girl like you.' Kaynaat in a happy tone said, 'Then done partner. We would work together to achieve the cause for which we have left our homes.'

Brought together by destiny, both Kaynaat and Sharmistha started a small cloth designing company named "Fabric queen". Both were the managers of the company. They worked relentlessly day and night with complete determination and strong will for the sake of the company. Soon their hard work came to be recognized in the city. People of the city loved their breath-taking and marvellous cloth designing skills which was a combination of both traditional and modern designs. Initially, people doubted their talent looking at their ages, as a result, the company could not make much profit in its first month but later people came to appreciate their talents and placed their orders in great numbers with "Fabric queen". Several neighbourhood women and some men approached the manager ladies of the company to be recruited in the company. "Fabric queen", had the most hardworking lot of workers though not the best in the city.

Soon the company started to compete with the most successful company of the city that was none other than Sarab's company. Company's one of the most successful contract was designing the clothes for the marriage ceremony of the son of the richest diamond merchant of the city, who chose "Fabric queen" over other successful companies of the city not only because of their work skills but also because of their polite attitude and proper business etiquette. The company scaled great heights with the able managing of Sharmistha and Kaynaat.

Finally, the most awaited day of first January came which was not only very significant in itself being the eve of the new year but also carried a great significance for the business persons of the city. This day the award for the "Most successful business person" is given to the manager of the company which has been able to woo more people to have business with them and has been able to fulfil their demands successfully. This year, the chief guest invited for the eve was a successful doctor of the city, Dr Nikhil Agnihotri. The event started successfully at 6 o'clock of the evening with the delegation of chief guest and the other dignitaries of the day. Sharmistha and Kaynaat were also present in the event. Soon the most awaited moment of the ceremony came.

Dr Nikhil was called on the stage to present the award. He started, 'The award for the "Most successful business person" of the year 2020 goes to...' His eye gleamed when he saw the name. He continued, 'And it goes to Mrs Sharmistha Shrivastava and Ms Kaynaat as the managers of the company "Fabric queen".' His eyes started dripping when he read the name. Sharmistha and Kaynaat looked at each other with a mixed emotion of shock and joy. Then hugged each other and headed towards the stage to receive the award. After awarding, Nikhil hugged Kaynaat tightly as both of them shared an emotional moment. Everyone clapped for both the ladies loudly. It was the first time ever that females had made it to achieve this prestigious award.

Coming down the stage Kaynaat was hugged by someone from behind. It was Rati who had now realized the gem within Kaynaat. She apologized to Kaynaat for always misbehaving with her. It was for the first time that Rati had hugged and showered her love on Kaynaat. Both Nikhil and Rati thanked Sharmistha for constantly supporting their daughter. Suddenly two persons fell on the feet of Sharmistha. They were Sarab and Paridhi who begged apology to Sharmistha for maltreating her. Sarab told, 'Now, I have realized your actual talent. I bow down and repent for my mistakes in front of you. I have realized that if I have become successful in my life, it was only for you. Please forgive me.' Sharmistha replied, 'I was never angry on you both. Can a mother be angry at her children for a long time? I should thank you both for provoking me to discover my true identity. I always blessed you from my heart.' Both of them asked Sharmistha to return to their house but she denied as she had already bought a small house by her own earned salary which she had got after doing a lot of hard work for the sake of the company.

Sharmistha and Kaynaat gave each other a high five and emerged out of the crowd walking as lions. Finally, they had earned their self-respect and had created their identity. The ones who were lost in the crowd, now stand infront of the crowd with a pride instilled in the heart. Facing the odds of old age and religion both of them came out as stars.

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