Poulomi Bhattacharya

Classics Inspirational


Poulomi Bhattacharya

Classics Inspirational

A Lifetime Journey To Cherish!

A Lifetime Journey To Cherish!

6 mins

Monsoon brings dazzling moments for us, the calmness like the summer and cool breeze like the winter. A relaxing time to spend with your loved ones, relishing the scent of showers while sipping on hot tea or coffee is the highlight of the day. From peacocks dancing in the rain to jumping in puddles, this season has it all!

Night-Out Journey 

 It is being a long time that I have packed my bags and went for an exploration. I am such a person who loves to explore new places and discover the hidden gems in them. This story was about a trip to one of the breathtaking hill stations Munnar.

Kerala is known for its luxurious resorts, enthralling beauty of backwaters, appetizing cuisines, a striking view of the hills studded with wooded forest, enchanting waterfalls, appealing beauty of the flourishing paddy fields, the calmness of the beaches, Kerala is not less than any wonderland. It was the month of October and the day was auspicious because it was 'Diwali'. On the eve of Kali Puja or Diwali, we planned to go for a trip to Munnar, the beauty and serenity of Kerala.

 About the Breath-taking Landscape during Monsoon

Starting a journey in the monsoon made my trip memorable. You can enjoy this misty and cloudy heaven without having to worry about anything concerning travel. We started our journey by car, and Google maps could arm us with the best of options.

It was night 11; the light rain started. We packed our food, water, and some luggage for the trip after filling our petrol tank wholly. We followed Trichy Express Way. Our car was flying high and I was very excited to see the patchy monsoon's beauty and the calmness of the mountains. It was raining heavily and I became thrilled to enjoy the sounds of crickets and the deep darkness!

It was 2 am; we needed some break, had coffee, snacks and started again. I was feeling nostalgic and the night within me was very thrilling. The darkness deeply hovered everywhere. My kids were sleeping. My eyes closed due to deep sleep, but never wanted to miss this night's adventure!

The next morning the day started with new energy and positivity. The time was 6 am. Still, it was raining; the roads were blocked by heavy waterlogging. Far away, the mountains and clouds were mixed like a color palette, and rainbow colors reflected from the sky created meticulous circumstances to describe! We relaxed for some time and had breakfast at a local shop. We were at Dindigul and discussed routes. Tamilnadu is a large state and it has a vast geographical region. I learned during my school time and gained in-depth knowledge about many states.

The rainy season has its unique beauty. We read many short stories and novels where rain was the beauty queen. We reminisced eternal love stories, the universal story of a triangle love, the first raindrops on my hands, and the first jump on the mud with friends, the first play on the muddy ground, it made us so funny and enjoyable!

Real Turmoil of Wandering inside the Village

The total journey was around 12 hours. We reached Munnar 18 hours later. The real turmoil started when we reached Thekkery, a trekking point where the road was divided into two paths. One was towards Munnar and another one towards the interior village of Kerala. According to the help of Google maps, it showed the wrong path towards the village muddy road. We were not aware of the exact road and entered into the muddy, deep forest where people did not ride bikes, walking was their only communication. Our car was entered into the slippery, muddy path and not a single space to walk along the road. When our friend asked a person enquired about the road, they spoke in the Malayalam language, hence we couldn't understand. The Google map was totally a disaster inside the jungle. The roads were too narrow to pass and we saw some school boys and girls were coming. Wandering around hours inside the village was a bit challenging for us! After trying many attempts inside the village, we didn't find the way of the city. Sourav (our friend) was in vain and he drove quickly towards a dead-end road where nothing was visible except suicide point, a Danger Zone! Suddenly my husband stopped the car and decided to change the plan. Then we asked some schoolboys about the city along with the resort's destination. The time was 6 pm and the manager of the resort called us to book an appointment.

After getting a response from the navigator, we started quickly. The reddish muddy road, the ripe fruits hanging from the mango trees, the spices, the multi-colored rainbow, and the scent of the wet mud, intoxicated me literally!

I became hungry and wanted to have something. My water stock was also empty; my throat was searching to quench my thirst and the body was paining severely. When reaching Munnar market, we took a long breath and saw lights and crowds. In Munnar, it was raining heavily; the roads were waterlogged forcefully and drainage was blocked.

Way to Final Destination (Resort)

With exciting features and stunning panorama, Kerala hills have become a favorite place for leisure hunters and nature lovers. I loved its chill ambiance, refreshing healthy climate, and scenic beauty of the destination because you will fall in love with the place.

Where the market road ends and began a narrow street, our "Glenmore Resort" lies in between. It was inside the bushy land and upper part of the street. Our car slipped due to a muddy and slippery road. At around 7.30 PM, while entering the resort, realized that we came to a wonderland where I could feel the sound of dazzling waterfalls, the pin-drop-silence of the place, and the grand yummy dinner with music. The cottages were beautifully decorated and cleanly furnished. The windows were too big and airy, and outside the waterfalls, rhythmic sounds grabbed my attention to go and enjoy. But we had to wait till morning. I could hear the rhythm of rain and waterfalls melody-both created a lovely blending of music!

At 3 PM, everybody was sleeping, and I and my friend could not resist going out to enjoy the darkness and sweet chords of the rain. I could hardly forget this enthralling yet tiresome trip, but the beauty and stunning panorama retained my heart extremely delicate and special.

I would recommend this place to visit all nature lovers and experience the beauty and vibrancy of nature's twist and turn once in a lifetime. You should go and cultivate the rainbow colors and add a brilliant comment in the comment section!

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