Poulomi Bhattacharya

Tragedy Action Inspirational


Poulomi Bhattacharya

Tragedy Action Inspirational

My Father- My Strength

My Father- My Strength

4 mins

Father is the backbone of the family. He is our world, strength, and happiness of the universe. I am very proud to have my lovely, supportive father. My grandma told me that when I took birth (after my elder sister), my father was the only person to accept my birth happily. He held my hands tightly after my birth. I used to follow his way of talking, eating, and smiling. When I grew up and understood the meaning of father, I never made him cry. Whenever he came from the office and looked at me, he became relaxed. He used to share his day-to-day activities that happened at his office. He also shared his life problems.


I still remember that day when the result of matriculation was out. He was very anxious about my marks. Finally, when I came back home and shared my results with him, he felt relaxed. He also told me that whenever you will feel low in your life, you will find me there to support you. He is my superhero of all time. He is the epitome of love and sacrifice.


The other meaning of ‘father’ is responsibility. Whatever problems or unforeseen situations came into the life of a family, he became a strong wall to take everything on him. He never feels confused or uncertain. I remember the day when my father fell sick and was admitted to the hospital. My mom talked with the doctor and after several diagnoses by many specialists, it was found that he was suffering from cancer. Hearing this, my mom started screaming! She didn’t tell us and managed everything on her own. One day she broke into tears and told me about this bitter truth. Hearing everything from my mom, I felt shattered! Then my relatives asked us to get a second opinion. 

My mom took him to another specialist who observed him for some time and said it was just a type of pneumonia and will be cured very soon. We both felt relaxed and took the father home. Slowly, he recovered. 

But after this incident, I started realizing that if my father will again become sick, then I will die for sure. When I got married and left the house of my lovely baba, grandma, and cute mom, I cried in front of God and prayed to him to save my family. Then my new journey of life started. I went to Chennai. The place, location, people, culture, language; everything was new to me. There were no Hindi-speaking people as they were communicating in the Dravidian language. The first day in Chennai was embarrassing. I was alone and cried throughout the day without my father. 

But never thought the day would come very soon. Last year, he started suffering from fever. After visiting the doctor, he advised getting admitted to a hospital. Due to Covid 19, there was all around panic and no one was able to help anyone. My father became a victim of this situation caused by the pandemic. He was admitted to a hospital where multiple facilities were not available. Doctors tried but he was in critical condition. Unfortunately, I lost my father on 21st November at 7.20 in the morning. Since he left his last breath, I am struggling with nothingness in my life.

A father plays a vital role in a girl’s life and this is priceless. I started losing my strength and energy. I started having headaches and my hands became cold as if of a dead man. I kept on crying and crying. Nobody came to sympathize with me. And friends, this is the reality of life.


When my father was alive, he told me to accept challenges in life and achieve my goals. Never give up on your hopes and try to become a famous person. He was a good player and a famous sportsperson in our locality. Now I am praying to God to give me the strength to follow my father’s directions. Following my father’s words helped me to achieve my goals very soon.

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