Neelima Deshpande

Romance Tragedy Classics


Neelima Deshpande

Romance Tragedy Classics

Absence Makes The Heart Grow

Absence Makes The Heart Grow

4 mins

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...©®: Neelima Deshpande

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

When people we love are not with us, we love them even more! Priti in a confused state of mind was trying to co-relate the proverb she was reading in a book with her own life while sitting in court.....

" Well Priti, if this is your final decision, I am also searching for a good lawyer for myself now! I was waiting for you till date and I will still wait for you. My doors and heart will always welcome you if you think to return at any moment till we see each other in court!"

Samar was talking to his wife Priti. He was very disheartened with his wife Priti and her elder sister Payal who was once his colleague and best friend too.

" Priti, no need to go anywhere. Not for any compromise or to meet the marriage coach with Samar. Our decision is final that, you will be living with me. I will take care of you. Samar is well off, he will be paying you a good amount even if you get separated from him"

Payal had taken the decision on behalf of Priti as she was used to doing it always. Payal and Priti were sisters. Being elder than Priti, for almost 10 years, Payal was always overprotective and dominating while taking decisions for Priti. It was wholeheartedly accepted by Priti too. When all doors were closed by Priti and Payal, Samar visited coach alone as he was truly in love with Priti and wished to save their marriage which was on the verge of breaking.

" I need your help to understand what went wrong from my side in our marriage. I had lost my mother due to cancer. After her death also, Priti had many issues with her. She is always in a complaining mood and mode while talking to me. Not ready to forget anything that happened in the past between her and my mother. I discussed this with Payal too as Priti listens to her and obeys too! After our marriage also used to brief everything with Payal, which was against my wish. Priti told about this planned visit with you to Payal and then all actions were taken faster than before. They had sent me a divorce notice. I tried to discuss with Payal, but she doesn't seem to be interested in resolving our issues, rather adding fuel to fire. Now, she is not allowing Priti to talk with me."

After a year-long period, Samar was sitting in front of a coach and telling her all about his life.

" I asked you to take few compatibility check sessions before you get into this marriage. You both are totally different personalities. You are too practical whereas Priti is an extremely emotional girl. She can't come out of the bitter phases she has faced. Similarly, I told you to stay away from Payal too! Irrespective of your best friend, you had chosen Priti as your life partner. Payal and you were best friends for years and working together. You both were comfortable as a friend. Being practical by nature you and Payal perceive things similarly whereas Priti perceives them differently.

The coach was trying to remind him and taking more points from his discussion to help him.

" Yes, I remember that. It was our mistake to enter into married life before understanding each other or setting some parameters of handling each other's needs. Actually, when Payal, gave her consent for our marriage, we thought we can manage it. We were running short of time also. My mother was not well. So hurriedly we the took decision. Payal and I were having nice bonding. She was elder than me, but being practical by nature we never felt that age difference in our very close friends. Priti was emotional, sensitive, very obedient and respectful with Payal, so I liked her personality traits which were not in me and Payal too! But at the time of handling, I forgot to take the expert's help to maintain the happiness in our marriage by understanding each other better.

I can't spend much time or I can't be so close with Payal, as I used to be before my marriage with Priti who is very very emotional. I can't handle her too much sensitiveness. I am totally alone now, without my mother, wife and best friend!"

Coach helped him to come out of that phase and face the situation. He is still waiting and working on saving his marriage. Priti who is still unable to take a decision on her own depends upon Payal to tell the next lead. Needless to say, Payal who was missing her best friend, and feeling jealous of her own sister, is still willing to see her friend. If she is unable to get Samar to get back in her life, she will make everyone unhappy.

Weird and strange too! But it's true, when one is blind to selfishness, can reach any extreme! Better to take preventive steps than to repent in the future.

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