Neelima Deshpande

Romance Tragedy Classics


Neelima Deshpande

Romance Tragedy Classics

Just for you dear !©®

Just for you dear !©®

4 mins

"It will be better Sarita, if you can wind up all your handover formalities in office. We need to focus on your marriage preparations now. Raghav's family is well known in Patana and you should match up with their family members in dressing and culture."

Sarita's mother was talking to her daily and trying to teach her daughter how to be flexible while adjusting to the new atmosphere after marriage.

"Didi, get ready for Raghav's marriage. I am happy today that I have kept my word that I will take care of your little son Raghav and you all in your illness, with my two sons through out my life. That made me stay with you after my husband's death which was helpful for our both the families."

Kajal, who was a real sister of Raghav's mother i.e. his mausi was talking to his mother who was struggling with her last stage cancer.

Sarita and Raghav got happily married which was a dream of his mother to see her son settled in life. She was more concerned about his emotional nature so trying to get him married as she was knowing she will not be able to live more days due to cancer.

"Sarita, I am very close to my mother, and you can see that she is in her last stage so we should be giving her most of our time. I am not compelling you but trying to convince you that, kindly excuse me if I am paying more attention to her after our marriage."

Raghav expressed his innermost feelings with some fear in mind about his mother's health to Sarita. Both gave their most of the time to her and made her last days joyful and satisfactory. But as destiny has its own plan, after 3 months of Raghav's marriage, his mother passed away leaving him in deep grief.

"Sarita, now charge of this house is in my hand. So make sure that I should get equal respect as you were giving to my Didi"

Kajal reminded Sarita, when she felt that Sarita was taking few decisions in kitchen and trying to look after home more than before. Sarita was ok with it. Basically she was not behind any power. But sometimes she felt it's beyond the power war. She felt that there is some kind of strong bond and soft corner between her father in law and Raghav's mausi.

"Raghav, I know it's a great emotional loss for you as you have lost your mother. But it's almost a year passed to our marriage and few things are really bothering me. I think you need to be firm being the only son of your father."

Sarita tried to talk to Raghav whenever it was possible to her. Neither she could reveal him the tender relationship between his father and his mausi nor she could express her pain and verbal abuse and domination  by his mausi along with her two sons.With some valid reason she went to Mumbai where she expressed this to her parents.

" I am sorry mummy but I think, I will not be able to tolerate any torture nowonwards. Many times I felt it was being done purposefully so that I should leave that home."

Sarita was telling all this to her mother when her father also joined the discussion.

" I can tell you lot of incidents how my life got changed after my mother in law's death. Raghav's father has his say in the family and Raghav can not utter a single word in front of him."

After listening to Sarita, her parents decided to find some expert's advice.

In the sessions held Sarita shared all that she shared with her parents.

" I think the bond between you both has not yet developed.You were together for a year but were not able to spend enough time to build a trust.Basically, Raghav may or may not be knowing the truth about the relationship you have observed in a short span of your stay there. It is more important to support Raghav on the emotional end where he will feel closer to you. He needs the courage to stand in front of his father. Then only he will be able to say something. For that you need to go to Patana and try to win his heart first and then together you can convince the family that you will be living separately. As per their wish, they are willing the same but not taking the lead for maintaining the status in the society."

Many discussions were held where Sarita made up her mind to go to Patna again. Similarly, a lot of efforts were taken to build Raghav's courage. Slowly but firmly they took the decision to live separately and now they are enjoying their life as if they are just married forgetting the bitter past experience.

* All the points mentioned in the story are based on real life experiences leaving me less scope to change much in the storyline except character and city names, professions, to hide the identity.

* These are not my opinions so I request you to read these stories as a case study and not personal opinions. If you read them in a broader context, I am sure it will help you out some where in life to gain some knowledge about handling relationships.

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