Deepika Vemulakonda



Deepika Vemulakonda


My Journey Of 2021

My Journey Of 2021

3 mins

It hasn't been anything less of a roller coaster ride. It was supposed to be an year where my husband and I have started the construction of our new house. 

Kids were to come here and stay with us in Nellore as it was online classes for them while I continued to work from home. Little did I know that there's so much more in store for us than just our new house or everyone staying at home.

Even though it was lock down, my elder daughter had her birthday in the best possible way. Loads of balloons and flowers arranged in such a pretty manner. There were candles floating in the glasses near the cake and her pictures were attached to a string that was fixed on to the balloons which were glued to the ceiling. It was simply amazing as we have never been such extravagant before. This was something that happens with the lead roles in a movie. Life's a movie and she is the lead role in her life.

Next big decision was that my husband and I decided to have our kids join school in Nellore, so we could live together. So we did we could & it was done. It seemed like all was going smoothly and then my younger daughter got her first period at the tender age of 9. She is my baby who still clings to me while she sleeps and it all seems weird that she got her periods; but then, the same was true of me and apparently she took this trait from me. It's her birthday about the same time, so we didn't make a big deal out of it. As per Telugu tradition of a girl child having her first period we celebrated this occasion with not more than 50 guests and the event was a success. 

Two days after that I was tested positive for COVID-19 and had to be in quarantine for 3 weeks. Because my 2nd test which was done with in 2 weeks time, I got the results as positive for a 2nd time. The isolation was too much for me and I cried the day before I got out of quarantine. I was not even lonely and had my family living in the next room. Yet, it was a hard time for me and I can't imagine the struggle of others out there.

By the end of June, my eldest daughter got her first period which was a shock for all of us and this meant another ceremony at home. By this time our house was half way done and we had already incurred big expenses for the younger ones function. Alas, nothing can be done now but to go with the flow. We had a bigger celebration with most of our family and friends visiting us. It was a fun event over all.

Then we had a small cake cutting for my husband's birthday in August and another such small celebration for our anniversary in October. 

Now comes our house warming and this is almost October now. By this time, we have almost used all our credit cards and applied gold loan too. So, we are knee deep in debt but proceeded with the gruhaprevasham along with vratam (special pooja to god Satyanaryna Swamy). 

We took the handover of our house by the end of November and I celebrated my birthday at our new house. All in all, 2021 has been quite memorable, fun filled year. All of this while being eventful (in the literal sense).

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