Deepika Vemulakonda



Deepika Vemulakonda




2 mins

COVID has been disastrous for so many families and I can’t even comprehend the havoc it created. Nevertheless, one can dream. A dream of a world where there’s no COVID.

No COVID means that offices would work as usual and employees wondering how nice it would be to work from home.

No COVID means that wives would be in the home all alone most of the day.

No COVID means that kids having to drag themselves out of their beds for school/college regularly.

No COVID means that one keeps complaining about the traffic, pollution, and global warming.

I don’t appreciate that there’s COVID but I daydream, all the time of how the world would be without COVID. Without COVID, people who still had the luxury of affording a job (while working from home) would have never understood how blessed they were to be able to earn in these pandemic times. Without COVID, a person who is living alone would have never understood how lonely they were in this world and look for a connection. Without COVID, there’s no way some of the people would take a pause out of their busy schedule to appreciate the mother nature.

I daydream that COVID shouldn’t have happened because now I know that spending time with family is sacred. Cooking for them brings joy. Watching a movie, playing or just chit chatting are such enjoyable activities. I daydream that COVID shouldn’t have happened because now I know, that branded clothes or costly items are useless in front of my kids smiling at me.

I would have never noticed these myself if not for COVID. Yet, I continue to day dream that COVID shouldn’t have happened because now I have this reality check when I’m shopping online. Just one question: “Is this something that’s necessary? Can I live without it?”. Because, times are so turbulent and un-certain that I never know what might happen tomorrow.

What if I were to die? Will my family be able to continue the same lifestyle that they have now? Will my kids be in safe hands? Will they be supported by family & friends? So, many things just hovering under the thin vail of thought process.

I wish and hope that this is just a dream where I wake up tomorrow to life as it were before. This reality check if too real and harsh; all at the same time.

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