𝕁𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕒 ~

Comedy Fantasy Children


𝕁𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕒 ~

Comedy Fantasy Children

The Intrepid Voyage

The Intrepid Voyage

4 mins

It was a Sunday Morning, I was peacefully sleeping in my comfy bed until my alarm rang, Dammit I hate that so much! I quickly hit the Snooze button but Before I could go back to sleep my Doorbell rang. Aish! I got up and took a stretch ( A Huge one) and opened the door. My annoying aka best friend Kennedy was smiling widely with a cute handbag in her hands. She said, " Jumana, Don't tell me you were still sleeping, it's already 8:25 am!!" "Bro, It's a Sunday morning!" I replied. Anyway, She interrupted I want you to join me on my vacation to the Himalayas. "Wait What? Really! I love traveling" I replied. "Great, we're leaving tomorrow so pack your stuff and I'll come to pick you up at 7. "That's too early!" I Conflicted. 'Our flight's at 9 so we gotta reach early" She replied. Fine, then I said and locked the door and pounced back into my bed and slept maybe for an hour or 2.


Ringgggggg !!!!! Ringgggg !!!!! My alarm rang and I had to wake up at 5:30 am. My bags were packed so I quickly just took a shower and Got dressed and then packed my backpack with some Lotion, water bottles, Snacks, Extra pair of clothes, etc. By the time I got everything ready, it was 6:45 am. I decided to watch some Netflix till Kennedy comes to pick me up. I almost finished my episode of The Vampire Diaries (I Suggest you guys watch it) And The doorbell rang. I opened the door and It was Kennedy with 3 huge suitcases ( I mean, Really huge!!). "Bruh, What the heck is in that thing?" I asked. "Everything I need, My lotions, soaps, clothes, shampoos, Bath Bombs, Perfumes". "Okay! Okay Fine!" I interrupted. (Gosh, Who on earth takes bath bombs to the Himalayas, I wouldn't even Shower there Bruh!) I grabbed My Black suitcase and Backpack and Grabbed my phone, watch, and house keys. "Okay we're ready to go!!" I said.

Kennedy had booked an Uber and we were waiting for it. She was just simply scrolling through her boring Instagram reels and I just sat there continuing to watch my Episode. Around 15 Minutes later finally our cab arrived. We sat in the cab and headed to the Airport. 

We reached the airport and entered. We Were already running late. it was already 8:26 am and our flight was at 9. We went in and completed all the security bag checks and passport checks. We entered the immigration and Our flight gates were gonna open in around 20 minutes. Kennedy called her mom and began chatting while I finally got a chance to complete my episode. Finally, after a decade, our flight gates opened. We entered and I texted my parents That I boarded my flight. We sat our seats and Luckily my seat was beside the window. After 15 minutes our flight started.

Kennedy was busy watching Stranger Things and I finished my episode and sipped on Black coffee. Our flight was for 1 and a half hours, it wasn't such a long time. 

Finally, we reached the Himalayas. Damn, The snowy mountains and those pine trees looked so aesthetic. After we exited the airport it was already late evening so we decided to go directly to our hotel. We booked a cab and went to our hotel and I forgot to mention, It was freezing!! We finally reached our hotel room, and I was soo tired that I just drifted off to sleep...


It was our first day on the trip yay! I was excited. So we had a guide named Jacob and he was going to help us on this adventure let's gooo! So our main motto was to go trekking. So, in the morning we drove to the Hanging Village and let me tell you it was on top of a gigantic mountain and it was freezing! We reached the point where we had to start the trek and I don't know why, I was quite Nervous. Kennedy started Vlogging on her phone camera and she pointed the camera at me and I smiled Widely and said "Hiiii! I'm Jumana" and Kennedy started giving all the other updates. We had to wait there in the queue for the Skycab so I just brought myself a bowl of Maggi and Kennedy was still vlogging.

Finally, We got our tickets for the Skycab, and Damn the view was so aesthetic. Our ride was for 20 minutes so I decided to take a quick nap until Kennedy shouted "LOOK!! JUMANA IT'S A YELLOW-BILLED BLUE MAGPIE!!" "Aish! Ok, stop shouting" I groaned. After a while we reached our destination and about my imaginary peaceful nap umm unfortunately It was ruined by Kennedy screaming birds and trees names!!


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