Khwaish Sarupria

Children Stories Inspirational Children


Khwaish Sarupria

Children Stories Inspirational Children

The Unforgettable Expedition

The Unforgettable Expedition

2 mins

'Splash!' The crystal cool water damped my white, ankle-length socks and gave me a trickle as it made its way down to my shoes. I could smell the salt and the sand, I could hear the sea animals having a meeting down in the depths of the omnipotent sea, I was mesmerized by the dolphin's dedicated and dramatic show. I enjoyed the night under the stars. I was mesmerized by the night beauty in the midst of the sea. Just the beginning of bliss, I thought as the boat made it through the next wave to the magnificent Andaman and Nicobar island.

The sun woke up like a baby and began painting the dark blue sky into a brighter one. The small tufty balls floated in the vast expanse repelling each time as it came closer to the lean, lanky coconut trees. Swoosh! A gay blew and carried my blood coloured but bright red scarf with it. I followed the woollen cloth unaware of it leading me into the depths of the forest.

Meowwww! Meow! The continuous sounds of the cute monsters made jitters in my stomach. I passed the most haunted places with weird-looking, filthy creatures passing by each second. I ran at the speed of light. I died a million times until fortunately, my eyes saw bliss- my hotel! An introvert girl like me never likes to befriend someone but the moment I stepped inside the hotel, a group of girls who are my present besties met my gaze and created a bond. A bond of true friendship! A bond so tangled that no one can break it! A bond so powerful!

 I wasn't used to so much jolly and happiness altogether but more things added to the list. It was like the universe was giving me everything in one go. I was so engrossed with everything else that I didn't notice that one of the cute monsters followed me behind. "Meow! "It said. My excursion was almost over and I had to leave but the cat didn't leave my side so I took it home with me and named it Simba. The girls that I had met live in the same town as mine and now we are unbreakable. 

The dangerous treks with those creepy insects gave me company, the awestruck and reviving water rides with all the anxiety, the congenial climate, the never-ending gossips, the cute monster friend. All of these made it a perfectly perfect trip altogether. It is the trip I want to relive. It was a trip so perfect and amazing. Indeed, an unforgettable journey.

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