Jeetal Shah

Fantasy Others


Jeetal Shah

Fantasy Others

Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction

2 mins

Anna had always wanted to be a writer, but she never believed she had the talent or the luck to make it. She worked as a waitress in a small diner, barely making enough to pay her bills. She spent her free time reading books and dreaming of writing her own.

One day, she came across a book called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. It claimed that the law of attraction could help anyone achieve their goals and desires, by simply focusing on them and feeling positive. Anna was sceptical, but she decided to give it a try. She bought a notebook and started writing down her affirmations every day: "I am a successful writer. I have a best-selling novel. I am happy and fulfilled."

She also started visualizing herself as a writer, living in a nice apartment, signing books for her fans, and receiving awards. She felt a surge of excitement and joy every time she did this. She began to notice some changes in her life. She got a raise at her job, she met some new friends who shared her passion for writing, and she found a writing workshop that offered feedback and guidance.

She decided to write a novel based on her own life, with some twists and turns. She poured her heart and soul into it, working on it every night after her shift. She finished it in six months and sent it to several publishers, hoping for the best.

A few weeks later, she received a phone call from one of the publishers. They loved her novel and wanted to publish it. They offered her a generous advance and a contract for two more books. Anna couldn't believe it. She had manifested her dream into reality.

She quit her job and moved to a bigger city, where she rented a cosy apartment. She started working on her second book, while her first one became a hit. She received rave reviews and invitations to book signings and interviews. She met her favourite authors and celebrities, who praised her work. She won several awards and nominations, including the prestigious Booker Prize.

She was living the life she had always wanted, thanks to the law.

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