amoon smirh

Horror Romance Crime


amoon smirh

Horror Romance Crime

My Spirit Lover

My Spirit Lover

4 mins

The next morning I woke up feeling horrible like I came out of a bad dream. I didn't even feel like myself as I got ready for college and walked there emotionless. When I got there it looked normal again but I noticed that Rim didn't come to college again today. Wait- didn't  I, no he made me forget who he was and if he ever existed! An image of him came into my mind, "Ahhhhhh! Why can't I just forget him" I yell at myself. I got into the study room and finished the day like I normally do. Again without caring where I was going as I walked home a bit sad and kind of out of it. I ended up in a back abondoned allyway I really didn't seem to notice till I saw the bodies on the ground. Their bodies had been cut into pieces like somebody saw off their limbs off and decapitated their heads off. The alleyway was full of blood and their were peoples body parts everywhere. I half hoped Rim would jump out at me but not this time. Someone grabbed me from behind and pushed me against a wall. That person put a knife to my throat. 

"Don't move" threatened the stranger their voice sounded like a guy.

"Now why would you be walking in an area like this?" He asked.

"I wasn't watching where I was going and happened to be here." I answered. 

"Okay then you have two choices you swear you won't tell anyone or I can kill you right here and now" he said in a threatening tone.

"I swear I won't tell anyone, please let me go" I say.

*He laughs evilly* "How are you going to prove that?" He asks as though he sounds amused.

"I don't know" I answered, "what is this deja vu?" I question myself. 

He pulled me again making me face forward and this time slammed me against the wall. He gave me a wicked smile pressing the knife to my throat. 

I had a good look at the guy, his face seemed kinder than Rin's, his hair was a light blue with aqua coloured strains at the ends of his hair. His  gleamed a yellow like hazel but much brighter as he glared at me. 

The guy definitely doesn't seem like a killer even though he is covered from head to toe with blood. I could tell his small bits of features to how close he is to me.I could he is looking up and down at me with interest, like he could eat me if he ever dared to. Instantly my brain froze and I could only imagine what he was thinking.

"I tell you what if you will consent to having sex with me I will let you go." He says with the most wicked and evil smile I ever seen.

I felt myself wanting to run again as he looked at me waiting for an answer. 

"Of course if you refuse I will just have to kill you." He says twisting his smile more.

Okay now I am panicking, I really can't do that I mean he is a guy too for God's sake. I mean why, how come I got two crazy guy's interested in me. First Rim now this guy, I mean come on who are they and why do I have them interested in me.

"Stop right there, devil" says a voice I recognised and he sounded like he hissed at him. 

The guy looked in the direction of the voice and glared. 

"Why should I? Blood Prince" he mocked.

Then someone step into the light and it was Rim. I could almost feel happy that he is here but that didn't last long.

"Because we are being summoned and I want you to leave him alone." Rim answered giving him a death glare. 

The guy gave Rim a questioning look then looked at me then back Rim. 

"Don't tell me you claimed him?" He questions Rim. 

"No" he answers.

"Then I can" He says as he starts to unbutton my t-shirt with the hand he had pressed the knife against my throat but still holding it. Within a blink of an eye, Rim kicked him to the ground and holded me tight in his arms. 

"You will not even lay one finger on him before I do" Rim says almost evilly and controlling. 

I could see that both of their eyes were glowing and about to fight each other. Instead the other guy got up and started to leave.

I watched confused to what just happened, did Rim jus protect me? Wait who was that guy and what's with the nicknames, I thought to myself.

Rim lightly let me go and started to leave but I stopped him.

"Rim? Please talk to me" I said almost pleading he would talk to me

"I can't Jack plus I can't say anything, I am sorry but I have to go" Rim says sadly and began to walk off.

I watched him leave like I was like a lost pup without it's master. I sigh sadly and decided to leave as since there is no point for me being here anymore. I walked home by myself again going to my room.

I had so many questions and thoughts that weren't going to be answered anytime soon, I wanted what was next another creepy criminal? I questioned myself. I lay there starting to feel scared as this started to remind me of my child, it was one of the reasons I freaked out when Rim was going to undress me. It was because when I was a kid I hanged around the wrong crowd of people and we would do stupid and dumb things. One day out of the blue I began to have a crush on my best friend at the time, his name was Leon he was smart handsome, cool and fun to be around. Then one day I told him how I felt he laughed it off and said sorry that he didn't feel the same thing with me and we decided to be friends still. But without my knowledge that was my biggest mistake, I shouldn't of trusted him cause the next thing I new the whole gang was picking on me to the extent they left me for dead with a bunch of punks that bullied us. Those bullies ended up sexually harassed me to the point of nearly rapping me before any cops came. After that I left school and decided to homeschool as I was a pretty smart kid away and my parents tried to help me by let me talk to some counsellors. Now I did seem to mind that I was gay and I ended up going to groups where I got proper friends. Even though the trauma still kinda stuck with me, I decided I would wait till I can fully trust someone before doing anything like that again. Though as of right now it seems I got two keen killers on my back! I thought angrily to myself. I sigh again allowing myself to calm down who knows for now I will let things be and try to stay away from as much danger as I could I thought happily before I went to sleep.

Continuing in the next chapter....

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