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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Priya Srivastava



Priya Srivastava


Fickle Fortune

Fickle Fortune

1 min

luck, oh fickle friend,  

how quickly you can bend,  

from shining bright and true,  

to fade out of view.  

sometimes you seem so kind,  

a gentle breeze behind,  

helping us along the way,  

brightening up our day.  

but then you turn and go,  

a cold and cruel wind's blow,  

leaving us alone to cope,  

struggling up life's slope.  

yet still we hope and pray,  

that luck will come our way,  

and bring us joy and peace,  

our troubled hearts to ease.  

for though you may be flighty,  

and often outrightly,  

cruel and unkind to us,  

we still believe in luck and trust.  

so here's to you, oh luck,  

may you be gentle and unstuck,  

may you shine bright and true,  

and bring us joy anew. 

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